2023-11-23 Weekly Meeting & Agenda
2023-11-23 Weekly Meeting & Agenda
Linux Foundation meetings involve participation by industry competitors, and it is the intention of the Linux Foundation to conduct all of its activities in accordance with applicable antitrust and competition laws. It is therefore extremely important that attendees adhere to meeting agendas, and be aware of, and not participate in any activities that are prohibited under applicable US state, federal, or foreign antitrust and competition laws.
Examples of types of actions that are prohibited at Linux Foundation meetings and in connection with Linux Foundation activities are described in the Linux Foundation Antitrust Policy available at http://www.linuxfoundation.org/antitrust-policy. If you have questions about these matters, please contact your company counsel, or if you are a member of the Linux Foundation, feel free to contact Andrew Updegrove of the firm of Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the Linux Foundation.
Weekly meeting
- Every Thursday at 3:00 to 4:00 PM India Standard Time
- Zoom link: https://zoom.us/my/hyperledger.community?pwd=STZQd0xMZU9xRVVOVnpQM3JNQ2dqZz09
Hyperledger India: Discussion
Hyperledger India: Events
Hyperledger Foundation: Events
New Joinees:@Makarand Attendees:@Jayesh Kolekar @Subodh @Sanjeev |
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