2023-05-11 Weekly Meeting & Agenda

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Examples of types of actions that are prohibited at Linux Foundation meetings and in connection with Linux Foundation activities are described in the Linux Foundation Antitrust Policy available at http://www.linuxfoundation.org/antitrust-policy. If you have questions about these matters, please contact your company counsel, or if you are a member of the Linux Foundation, feel free to contact Andrew Updegrove of the firm of Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the Linux Foundation.

Weekly meeting

Hyperledger India : Discussion

  • New Community Members: Introduction

  • Discussion:

    • Discussion on

      Chapter Strategy to grow community

    • Can we give some kind of certificate to the UG student who are part of student chapter society? - Ravi singh

      • Who will issue the certificate? - Hyperledger India or Hyperledger foundation

      • What will be the value of the certificate?
      • Judgement basis for certificate?
        •  Participation certificate : contribution in documentation, blog, outreach, attending event, engaging in discussion, participate in working group.

        • How will we judge the eligibility?]
      • What kind of certificate? - digitally signed PDF/simple PDF/NFT
    • Should we plan an In-person event each Quarter?
      • Who will fund it? Ask for Hyperledger approval to raise funds.
      • Agenda:
      • Where:

      • Timeline:

    • Hyperledger Student Chapter
      • Progress over student society at Chandigrah University: received application package for enrollement
        • Ways to verify the credential/letter?
      • Non-dev engagement:
        • Live Projects:
          • Scope of the project
          • Outcome of the project
          • Timeline
          • Nature of the project: 
          • Selection/rejection process : On what ground
        • Campus Ambassador program 2023:
  • Demo in pipeline
    • Digital Signature Solution with Fabric - Demo by Jayasimha Prasad 
      • 11th May - Total duration with Q&A : 40 mins
    • CBDC Demo by Ramesh M 
      • 18th May - Asset Tokenization - 30 mins

Hyperledger India : Events

  • Hyperledger India chapter Year blog - leads, contributions, Mentee, Mentors, SIGs lead - deadline extended till  (date to be decided)
    • URL -> https://lnkd.in/dwZ7wMpf
    • New Blog for leadership change - Deepika 

    • Post-event post about each new lead - Need to Plan

      • Know more about Leads about each lead (Anyone please take this ownership )

  • Upcoming workshop

    • Hyperledger Bevel Workshop - Suvajit Sarkar 

      • Need to plan
    • Hyperledger Member Experience - Spydra - TBD
    • Spydra- Asset tokenization done at scale - 20th May.
    • Digiyatra - Hyperledger Indy/Aries -  need to plan a webinar with Julian and India team
    • Vipin B - CBDC India - May 17th

Hyperledger foundation: Events

  • Hyperledger Challenge 2023

    •  Meeting planned in April with Hyperledger staff and chapter leads/SIG chairs

    • Discussion with chapter leads and SIG chairs for 
  • 2023 Hyperledger Mentorship Program




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