Chapter Strategy to grow community


The Hyperledger India chapter is always appreciated by the Hyperledger staff.  We need collaborative efforts to build a stronger & growing community in India.

Let's brainstorm and come up with workable strategy to build grow Hyperledger India community.


To grow and connect with 50000 active community members in India chapter.

Time limit: 

By 31 January 2024 (before Hyperledger Global forum 2023).

Events/Chapter Roadmap 2023:

    • Q1 - Hyperledger Connect - India 2023 - Conducted & Hyperledger Challenge 2023. - Need to start Planning
    • Q2 - Women in Blockchain and HyperHack 2023  
    • Q3 - Blockchain stories
    • Q4 - TechFest - Open source 
    • Hyperledger event in India - November | 
    • Hyperledger Challenge 2023- 6-8 month program
    • Collaboration, outreach Educational institutes - Chapter society
    • Hyperledger India Chapter outreach/awareness in IITs, NITs, IIITs, Community Partners, Govt. Agencies, 
    • Community Partnership 

In what area:

  • Communication strategy.
  • Networking Strategy.
  • Prospective developer Strategy.
  • Student Engagement Strategy.

Please add your thought process and Ideas to make this possible. I have added a few action items which we should consider.

Action items

In what area

Reasonable actions

Why to be done

Risk if not done

Communication Strategy
  • Start of the every presentation ( about Antitrust policy)
  • End of the presentation ( how to connect with community)
  • Create Twitter Handle , Reddit account, Reddit community
  • Contents in the Hyperledger India youtube channel.
  • Active post from all social media channels - Linkedin. Twitter 
  • Guideline for social media postings.
  • Repost Hyperledger posts and Like & share Hyperledger India chapter posts.

To engage the audience.

communication continuty will break and migrate to some other tools.

Admin access given to the team at Hyperledger Linkedin page by kamlesh nagware  on  

Deepika P Karanji  create social media handles

Networking Strategy
  • Active participation in events & promote Hyperledger India community
  • Participation in Colleges and University Technical festival
  •  Different ways to interact with college and start with a introductory presentation about Hyperleger projects
  •  Monthly Linkedin live - Community updates  (suggested name in community call : Hyperledger India Monthly Hangout/Huddle
  • When new member attended the call, how to add them to the community page (themself using LFID)
To reach new members.we will miss the target by big margin.

Ravi singh A new member welcome page page has been created with to do instructions 

kamlesh nagware monthly LinkedIn live at 10 am first Saturday of  the month.

Prospective Developer Strategy

  • Code contributions workshops - Monthly
  • Medium like post in hyperleger wiki post
  • Know-how contents (from scratch to introduction of the tool and frameworks)
  • what we are offering to student societies (see the page for possible questions)

In GUI ways, attension span is narrowed to less than 10 second, so we must ask questions "How to make the content more engaging to students?"

Hyperledger tools documentation is good for people who have experience on the tools. 
Student Engagement Strategy
  • Activating study circles
  • Student Newsletter (highlight the achievement)
  • Non-dev enganegemt:
    • Campus Ambassador Program for undergraduate students - Aim: To drive traffic to our social media pages by spreading info on meetups, workshops, etc.
    • Live Projects for MBA students - 3 month program with weekly goals to increase engagement by numbers
  • Create certificate of participation scheme
  • Training certification by India chapter (kartikey.dav100 )
  • To do list for new member
  • Finalize the how to start student society at your institute/university(link to page).
To make them feel valuable to community.

They will leave

kamlesh nagware  reopen the discussion with Hyperledger leadership regarding training +certification case.

Ravi singh A new student member page page has been created with to do instructions 

Deepika P Karanji Garima Gupta For non-dev student engagement: Action item → Create document with program details, certificates and goodies/incentives need to be decided.

Find Code contributors Find the contributor from India in Hyperledger project code baseThere are many developers who are not active in India chapter community