Special Interest Group Kiosk

Working Groups and Special Interest Groups

Please remember there are several groups that are interested so Only sign up for one slot at first.  As we get closer to the event and still have spaces then the CA team will open it to more than one slot!

We are also working on getting each of these groups to record a 2-5 minute YouTube video with our Video Team.  Please sign up for video slots here!

Remember to arrive at least 15 min before your slot begins!

We will close this Page on Feb 28th so that signs can be printed for the event.

Thank you!

The Community Architects Team

DayTimeKiosk #Title for Printed SignPoint of Contact/ emailSpecial needs?
1Mar 310:30
EA SIG: Building Education Architecture for Learners of All AgesNone
2Mar 310:45
Identity Working Group: Solving the Problem of Digital Trust
3Mar 33:30
Public Sector SIG: Leverage Hyperledger Solutions  Jim Mason  Bobbi Muscara
4Mar 33:45
Supply Chain SIG: Securing the Last MileBen Taylor
5Mar 410:30
Capital Markets SIG: Securitization, Trading, Settlement, and Secondary Markets.

7Mar 410:45
Learning Materials WG: Spread the Word
8Mar 43:30
Healthcare SIG: Fabric and Sawtooth POCJohn Walker
9Mar 43:45
Telecom SIG: Intercarrier SettlementMathews Thomas
10Mar 510:30101CHealthcare SIG: Fabric and Sawtooth POCJohn Walker
11Mar 510:45101CSocial Impact SIG: Leveraging blockchain technology for a greater social impact
12Mar 54:00101CClimate Action & Accounting SIG: Sawtooth, Iroha and other POCsMartin Wainstein
13Mar 54:15101CSupply Chain SIG: A Universal Need and 1 Company's ApproachComputer Connection for Demo