HIS Meeting: 2019.12.09

Meeting Agenda

Welcome and Opening Statements - Monday November 25  9:00AM Pacific Time (16:00 UTC)


New Member Introductions : 5 minutes

  • If you’re new to the group, please…

    • Introduce yourself, your background and interest in the group

    • Your anticipated level of participation/commitment
      (active, infrequent, capable of taking on a role and/or task)

    • Tell us where you're geographically located

    • What days, times you prefer or can work with

    • Respond to queries and comments from the group

    • Consider posting your contact information in our HC-SIG Membership Directory

Review of last meeting agenda: Goals, Means : 10 minutes

  • General review of HIS mission statement and goals

  • Member participation and expectations
  • Feel free to make an announcement here, on our Rocket.Chat channel, or via our email listserv

General discussion : 45 minutes

  • Further discussion regarding Epic I and stories needed for completion

    • Updated Epics document
  • Initial discussion regarding Immunization use-case and how it will be evolved by Epic.
  • Initial discussion around the model and terminologies
    • FHIR + coded data
    • Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) Common Data Model (ODHSI + CHIME)
  • Consensus Policy discussion

Next Meeting

  • Discussion: topics to add to agenda?
  • Scheduled for Monday, 2019.12.23, 09:00 Pacific Time

Meeting Notes



  • Robert D. Coli, MD
  • Jim Mason

Good discussion around different aspects of the definition of Semantic Interoperability.  The idea of a Policy of Interoperability was presented and what needs it would need to address including medical fraud as well as calculating interoperability.

During discussion Bob Coli referred to how CCD-A records provided an exchange format currently used to export/import patient medical information and offered to demonstrate his person CCD-A and how he felt it qualified as a format for storing data.  This presentation will be 10 minutes at the next meeting 2019.12.23.

More information is available on the zoom_0.mp4 meeting recording.

Link to an older C-CDA slide deck -  https://www.hl7.org/documentcenter/public/calendarofevents/himss/2016/Introduction%20to%20Clinical%20Document%20Architecture%20(CDA)%20and%20Consolidated%20CDA%20(C-CDA).pdf

Links to Completed Work

Links to External Resources

Active Members

Jim MasonCCBS