2019.11.15 General Meeting Agenda

Welcome and Opening Statements


  • If you’re new to the group, please…

    • Introduce yourself

    • Tell us where you're geographically located

    • Share with us your interests in healthcare in general, and blockchain technologies in specific

    • Consider posting your contact information in our HC-SIG Membership Directory
    • Questions? Review our HC-SIG FAQ for answers

Community Announcements

  • Do you have any announcements that you'd like to share with the HC-SIG community?

HC-SIG Subgroup Updates

  • Patient/Member Subgroup (Deniz Coskun, Lead)

    • Plan is to have Patient/Member Subgroup present their outstanding work at an upcoming HC-SIG General Meeting (congrats to the team!)

  • Payer Subgroup (Raveesh Dewan, Lead)

  • Healthcare Interoperability Subgroup (Steven Elliott, Lead)

HC-SIG Ad Hoc Team Updates

  • Wiki Redesign Team (Rich Bloch, Lead)

    • Work continues on our SIG site design

    • Discussion: are you a Confluence expert... interested in joining this team?

  • Academic Research Team (Logan Wilding, Nisarg Amin, and Adrian Berg, Lead)

  • HC-SIG Use Case Development Team (Erika Beerbower, Lead)

Old Business

  • We're coming to the close of 2019... time to update our HC-SIG Membership Survey
    • Discussion: are you interested in helping with starting an Ad Hoc Survey Team with the goal of updating our annual membership survey? If so, let us know!

New Business

  • Open Discussions (Rich)

    • Discussion: your thoughts on changes you'd like to see with the HC-SIG?

Next Meeting

  • Scheduled for Friday, 2019.12.13, 0700 Pacific Time

    • Please note that our 2019.11.28 HC-SIG General Meeting has been canceled, given the US holiday of Thanksgiving on the preceding Thursday
  • Discussion: topics to add to agenda?


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