Speaker Series Work Group

Speaker Series Work Group

This page is tracking who we'd like to invite at upcoming group calls to present information that will be useful to share with people interested in using blockchain in education.

Group Lead: Alex Kaplan

Meeting DateTopicSpeaker SuggestionStatus
January 16, 2020

Kim Hamilton Duffy, technical director of the MIT Credential Initiative;  also involved in T3 (USCoCFdn) working on SSI and ILR harmonization.

Is Kim confirmed for this date?
TBDArizona State Univ - The Trusted Learner NetworkPhil Long, AZ State Univ; Phil Komarny, SalesForcePlease propose a date that works for you
February 13, 2020Engineering and governance for learning credential blockchainsAlex Kaplan, IBMI am confirmed for this date
TBDColorado Education Work LabTaylor Kendal, Learning EconomyPlease propose a date that works for you
TBDCentral New Mexico Community College - Blockchain and education digital diplomasTobe Phelps, Central New Mexico Community CollegePlease propose a date that works for you

Note: If you have ideas for topics and speakers, please post them here. Thank you.

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