
Real World Assets In Real Life: Ashish Anand CEO of Bru Finance and Whrrl




A presentation by Ashish Anand, Real World Assets, In Real Life (RWA, IRL)

Ashish leads Bru Finance as well as Whrrl.

When there is so much talk about RWA, his companies have solved the vexing problems with the tokenization of Real World Assets. In particular, lending against warehoused farm commodities like grain and other outputs. This can only be achieved by assuming and assuring physical custody of assets. Ashish had presented on this topic on FMSIG earlier.
The RWA,IRL deals with financing for small-scale farmers, the largest group of struggling small scale producers in India. The success of this approach has giant reverberations in the global south, and small-scale agricultural producers even in advanced economies.

This is an update on the state of the art in Warehouse Receipt Financing. Join to hear firsthand how Bru-Finance and Whrrl achieve this.

Commodity financing is one of the oldest pillars of finance and arguably money itself.

In the US the Federal Reserve Banks assisted with the ebb and flow of money from the heartland to the East Coast for agricultural financing. Note the presence of FRBs in Cleveland, Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis and Minnesota. Derivatives to hedge the exposure of farm products started with commodity futures in Chicago. These origins and agricultural commodity financing is as old as human settlement and a focus on agriculture. In the Maslow's pyramid, these basic needs are at the base. The Federal Reserve Banks started as a way for East Coast Financiers to f

Date 10th Jan 2024 (Wednesday)
Time: 10:00 am EST



Meeting ID: 622 333 6701
Passcode: 475869



Will be posted after the presentation.

Questions that were answered (listen to the recording to get a sense of the anwsers):

What of different jurisdictions and different laws and regulation for TradFi and DeFi?

Payment systems, how to handle payment systems that are not coupled to the TradFi→DeFi axis?

Fee percentages on the slides!

Challenges of physical custody:

  1. Spoilage through weather and other events
  2. Liquidation


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