Financial Markets SIG (Name Change)

Financial Markets SIG (Name Change)

As of July 1, 2022, we announced a name change from Capital Markets SIG to Financial Markets SIG. The main motivation for this change is the fact that we have had interest and participation not just on the capital markets which have a longer-term focus; but also, on the shorter-term funding markets (including the Repo Markets) as well as payments and liquidity in these markets. Sometimes the term market is used just for the venue where trading takes place, for example NASDAQ (an exchange) is called a market, we use the term Financial Markets in its more generic sense, comprising investors, the borrowers; AND the venues where they come together, normally managed by intermediaries. Some of the instruments that convey investment or even insurance from the lenders to the borrowers are bilateral, they are not traded in any open market.

There is a natural continuum between the two as the "money view" is concerned with the funding markets (sometimes called the money markets) which support long-term markets (capital markets). The term financial markets address both these durations, or maturities. 

In addition, "financial markets" is a generic term that contains Commodities Markets, Swaps and Derivative Markets, FX Markets, Futures Markets, Crypto-Currency, Interbank lending, and Spot markets folding in Currency concerns (CBDCs, Stablecoins etc.).

As it happens, we have had presentations on these topics in the preceding years (in other words, we were the Financial Markets SIG, even when we called ourselves the Capital markets SIG). In addition, "Financial Markets SIG" addresses primary and secondary markets in all these sectors.

Liquidity and payment concerns are themes in a secondary market.   

Changes in the wiki and other resources: The names of the main wiki page and all other static references will reflect the new name. All past presentations will remain with the historical name but will be reachable from the same link hierarchy. The name of the linked in group will reflect the change. In addition, we have to tweak our logo and our email list.