
A regulatory matrix, by country

Hyperledger Cap Markets SIG.xlsx

Regulatory Agencies

To see a comprehensive list of regulatory agencies by country look at  wikipedia

Some of them are more important than others, due to their influence on global capital markets. The chief among them would be the regulatory agencies from the United States, the Eurozone, China, the UK, India, Japan and others. Mainly to do with the money flow and the importance of the sovereign currency in capital markets and in the financial system as a whole.

There are some ancillary agencies that are of importance to the CM sector, these are the regulations on (Know Your Customer) KYC & (Know Your Customer's Customer) KYCC, (Anti Money Laundering)AML, (Terrorist Financing) TF, (Customer Due Diligence) CDD. The chief international agency for this is FATF/GAFI. Although they are an advisory agency, their recommendations carry great influence. Chiefly to do with the ratings put on countries regulations conformance to FATF/GAFI   

Regulatory Directory

The International Capital Markets Association (ICMA) has published a DLT Regulatory Directory on December 18th, 2019. The directory seeks to provide a non-exhaustive overview of recent DLT regulatory guidance, legislative initiatives, as well as related strategy papers and publications in selected jurisdictions across Europe, North America, and Asia-Pacific. Its aim is to provide a sense of the direction of travel, anticipating future regulatory DLT guidance and legislative change, which will pave the way for broader adoption of DLT. You can download the directory here.

International (Cross Jurisdictional)


  • To act as a network of regulators to collaborate and share experience of innovation in respective markets, including emerging technologies and business models, and to provide accessible regulatory contact information for firms.
  • To provide a forum for joint RegTech work and collaborative knowledge sharing/lessons learned.
  • To provide firms with an environment in which to trial cross-border solutions.

The SEC, FINRA, CFTC & NYDFS are members of GFIN.


There is an alphabetic soup of regulators in the US: SEC, FINRA, CFTC, the state agency NYDFS is very influential. There are two approaches; rules based &


FinHUB: There are Blockchain specific regulations





Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)  UK

Regulator of Financial markets in United Kingdom

The FCA’s Guidance on Cryptoassets

Issuing Equity Tokens on the Blockchain: With the first primary distribution and settlement of digital representations of equity interests, known as ‘Equity Tokens, on a Blockchain as part Cohort Four of the FCA ‘Sandbox’ this role has taken a step forward.

FSB on stable coins

American Bar Association White Paper on Digital Assets