Support for Existing Setups
- Support the existing Jenkins and Gerrit setup that the Fabric team uses.
- Support the existing Gitlab-CI setup used for Indy and Ursa while they transition to the new system.
- Automatically driven by the PR process with build results gating PR merges.
New Capabilities
- Support Kubernetes clusters for test net creation, monitoring, destruction.
- Profiling capabilities for unit tests and pipeline steps.
- Must be self-service so that teams have full control over their part of the available resources.
Support for Existing Setups:
- Jenkins:
- ability to self-manage plugins, credentials, job parameters
- start and restart build feature for maintainers
- Multiplatform/multiarchitecture builds:
- Linux x86_64, armv7 (hard to find large RAM instances), armv8
- Windows x86_64
- MacOS x86_64
- Multi compilers:
- gcc5, gcc7, clang6, Apple clang (on macos), Visual C++ (windows)
- Instead of compiling on a native platform cross-compilation can be used (but it hurts):
- Requires a list of specific-version dependencies for each platform
- Compiling dependencies for other dependencies
- ~ 2-2.5GB RAM per compilation thread (currently builds are running on one-off AWS EC2 instances (c5.2xlarge))
- Uploading artifacts to DockerHub and our Nexus repository (debug builds, etc)
Support for Existing Setups:
- Gerrit
- Jenkins
- Gerrit integration and automatic and manual trigger of CR builds (reverify, VerifyBuild, etc)
- Freestyle and pipeline jobs
- Self-maintained package images for build environment
- ...
- Multiarchitecture/Multiplatform
- Linux x86, s390x - build and test
- Windows - build x86_64
- macOS - build x86_64
- Docker
- Compose - Samples, BYFN, EYFN
- Compose - Fabric Test
- Services - Fabric (CouchDB, ZooKeeper, Kafka, Chaincode)
- Nexus, maven, docker hub, GitHub for publishing
General Forward Looking Requirements
- Support for declarative, multi-project CI pipeline in the style of gitlab-ci and concourse
- Pipeline declaration defines flow and dependencies for jobs
- CI system responsible for setting up dependencies defined in the pipeline
- Project repo responsible for defining and implementing the logic of a build job
- Project responsible for placing artifacts into output location managed by CI system
- Simple pipeline status overview
- At a glance "CI radiator" support
- Support for gated commit promotion through gates
- Commits to a branch trigger test gates, on success, commit is merged forward to trigger next gate
- Failed tests prevent promotion; promotion failures motivate maintainers to fix problems
- Access to k8s cluster for "network" testing
- Access to unpublished/snapshot container images
- Mechanisms to populate volumes from build system for use by the network
- Ability to run jobs that use docker and docker compose (KubeVirt or similar are options)
, multiple selections available,
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