CA2 SIG - Meeting July 28

CA2 SIG - Meeting July 28


  • June 30, 2020 at 8 AM Pacific

Dial-In Information:

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Meeting Agenda 

  • Welcome everyone from the SIG chairs
  • New SIG member introductions (All)
  • Walkthrough previous sessions - Planing and announcements for future sessions

  • SIG Quarterly report
  • Working Group discussion topics and updates (see WG section)
    • prepare for working group video taped shareouts we can use in the Member Summit
  • Break out groups for advancing WG


  • Introductions from James Dzierzanowski from Kaiser Permanente, a large healthcare provider, particularly interested in decentralized identifiers. 
  • Introduction from Bobbi Muscara, from the Learning Materials working group, who shared the vast resources they have compiled. Their working group can showcase some of the videos we put together of our working groups.
  • Introduction from Eleftherios Avramidis, a machine learning engineer from Berlin whos been contributing to the Consumer Disclosure Working Group.
  • Organized and booked the next sessions where Working Group chairs will share their projects and focus
  • Anshu Jain, from Consumer Disclosure WG shared their update and new page of the WG in this wiki
