8:00 - 9am Registration and breakfast
9am Intro to the Day and to Hyperledger
9:15am Everyone in the audience does a 3 key words intro
9:30am Session Leaders do a 3 min intro about their Session for this day
10:30 Coffee and Group Pic!
10:30 - 12:30 pm Breakouts see Sessions
12 - 1 Lunch Break
1-5pm Breakouts see Sessions
5:30-6:30 Reception?
8:00 - 9am Breakfast and social
9am How did it Go yesterday?
9:15am Session Leaders do a Quick 3 min intro on their sessions for this day
10am Breakouts see Sessions
12 - 1 Lunch Break
1 - 4pm Breakouts see Sessions
3 pm - Remind everyone to get their changes posted for approval
4 - 5pm Wrap up - Everyone talks about accomplishments!
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