2022-12-12 Roadmap Planning session - Meeting notes
2022-12-12 Roadmap Planning session - Meeting notes
- Suvajit Sarkar
- Sownak Roy
- Ravi Kiran
- Marina, Gómez Cepeda
- Vishal Reddy
- Arun S M
- Nidhi Singh
- Aditya Joshi
- Prasad M
Discussed topics:
- Platform’s upgrade will be carried out
- Kubernetes Version upgrade
- Ref app Integration for Besu Platform
- Enhancing Bevel Documentation
- Need contributions for Logging and Monitoring Tools Integration with bevel
- Focus would be on refactoring Helm charts and will be pushed to existing Git repo
- Discussion on Kubernetes Operator and a 10000ft overview of expectation how bevel operator works, which needs contribution from the community
Action items
- Suvajit Sarkar to groom issues for the helm chart refactoring
, multiple selections available,