Configure and format Markdown

MkDocs is a Python tool that generates the static HTML documentation site that is published.

Besu documentation uses the Material for MkDocs theme to render the HTML pages. It also comes with useful extensions.

MkDocs configuration

For sites using the old documentation system, MkDocs is configured in the mdkocs.yml file at the root of the repository. This file configures:

  • Site metadata and variables.
  • Theme.
  • Page navigation.
  • Extensions.
  • Plugins.
  • Page redirects.

If you add pages to the documentation (rather than updating existing pages), add your new pages to the nav section of mkdocs.yml.

If you move an existing page to another location or rename it, the public path changes. Create a redirect in the redirects section of mkdocs.yml.

Format Markdown for documentation

Having a standard for formatting Markdown helps writers and reviewers navigate the code and review changes. The following are rules for formatting Markdown in Besu documentation:

  • Each Markdown file must contain a header composed of metadata and limited by three dashes (-).


title: Installation overview
description: Overview and requirements to install the software

  • For the rest of the Markdown code, each line should be (roughly) limited to 100 columns long to be readable on any editor. You’ll receive a warning, not an error, if you exceed 100 columns. Lines must be wrapped without cutting the line in the middle of a word. One line break displays as a space.


In this example, this first sentence exceeds 100 characters, so we recommend wrapping it into
multiple lines. One line break displays as a space, so this Markdown renders as one paragraph without line breaks.
We also recommend starting each new sentence on a new line, even if the previous line didn't reach
100 columns, for easy reviewing.
You can set a column marker in your text editor as a heuristic.

  • Use only one first level title (prefixed with a single #) on a page.

  • No HTML markup can be used inside a Markdown document. There are many extensions you can use that have similar capabilities without HTML.

    There’s one exception where HTML is tolerated: tables that are too complex and already exist. If possible, keep the table simple without any elements other than table, tr, and td.

  • If using Markdown tables, format them so they’re also readable in the source code. For example, add an appropriate number of spaces to align the columns in the source code.


| Syntax    | Description |
| --------- | ----------- |
| Name      | Title       |
| Paragraph | Text        |

   You can quickly formate tables by using Markdown Table Formatter or create tables from scratch using Tables Generator.

  • Code samples should be written so that users can copy and paste them with minimal editing and have them work as expected.