
  • Vipin Bharathan
  • Ram Jagadeesan
  • Mic Bowman
  • Hart Montgomery
  • Binh Nguyen
  • Alex Yakovlev
  • Ash Antal
  • Sumit

System Identities Paper...

Vipin talked to Gordon. Biggest content issue is how to separate system identities from transactional identities. Appears that Gordon is not actively working on this.
Binh is taking to AI to flesh out Farbic with the suggested framework, and Mic will do the same for Sawtooth. 

Section 5 - we currently say we don't need privacy of system identities - SecureKey would like anonymity of system identities - if you have node identities can associate with the members - could derive side-channel info in identity network. Some form of crypto somewhat similar to IdMixer. IdMixer developers have left IBM, and so no active development now.

Each org can have multiple peers, orgs may not expose information about number and specifics of each peer within the org - do not to expose how many peers in the network. The endorsing peers ID is exposed in each channel that the endorsing peer participates in. The peer ID is signed by org-CA and is accepted by others.

Vipin: Is there any implementation of ID-Mix?

Indy has defined a Z-mix interface. They are going to implement - there is a PR. Dfinity people have some influence on high level arch for Z-mix.