2025-03-04 Aries VCX Community Call
2025-03-04 Aries VCX Community Call
If you are planning on attending Aries VCX Community Call, feel free login to wiki and update the agenda below to include your discussion topic / question
Alternatively you can simply join the call and we can discuss your questions and concerns
Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/97759680284?pwd=VytRRlJSd3c5NXJ1V25XbUxNU0Jndz09
OWF proposal presented and accepted as growth project 🎉
We are moving to OWF:
new repo location: https://github.com/openwallet-foundation/vcx
new meeting over at OWF:
new wiki:
link TBD
new discord:
this is our last meeting and wiki update under Hyperledger/LFDT, so be sure to join the new locations!
Overview of recent work done
dep fixes and MSRV discussions:
Overview of work in progress
VCX Framework
OWF admin work remaining?
mission statement work
Any Ad hoc discussion topics (feel free to add items)
, multiple selections available,