2024-09-24 Aries Cloud Agent - Python Maintainers Meeting
2024-09-24 Aries Cloud Agent - Python Maintainers Meeting
- PRs, Issues
- Status: OWF Submission
- Handling PyPi (`aries_cloudagent`) and GHCR artifacts during the transition
- did:tdw Resolver
- Progress on other initiatives
Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/91279968714?pwd=Yk9GVVNLOFE1cklkSk51UEZQTklOQT09
Call Time: 9:00 Pacific / 18:00 Central Europe
Recordings From the Call:
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Welcome, Introductions and Announcements
- Heads Up: New Zoom links for this meeting and ACA-Pug when we move to OWF
- Stephen Curran (Cloud Compass Computing Inc.) <swcurran@cloudcompass.ca>
- ACA-Py documentation: https://aca-py.org
- Plugins: https://plugins.aca-py.org
- did:tdw DIF Working Group Meeting this Thursday, Sept. 26 at 9:00 Pacific / 18:00 Central Europe, Agenda/Zoom info is: https://hackmd.io/k4cIK9vQSlaeg2pdHE51IQ
- New maintainers – Thiago and Mourits - #3239
- Dealing with artifacts and naming:
- Any flashes of inspiration on the name? "acapy"
- Need an immediate update to the README to begin to announce the move and process.
- Create a "move2owf.md" file that we will maintain with guidance about the move.
- Repo name will be "acapy", associate repos would be "acapy-..." as in "acapy-plugins" and so on.
- What do we rename "aries_cloudagent" to? Suggestion is "acapy-agent".
- Create PR to change "things", then move to OWF, create a fork at the old location (see below) then merge the PR, then clean up.
- Can we keep publishing to PyPi "aries_cloudagent" after we make such a change? Can we use an alternate name for a PyPi package?
- PyPi – leave deprecation messages – warning.
- One more release from Hyperledger with the deprecation notice.
- Then an immediate release from OpenWallet Foundation with a new package name of "acapy-agent".
- Assuming we can get permissions, can we keep publishing to GHCR – e.g.ghcr.io/hyperledger/aries-cloudagent-python:py3.12-1.0.0
- For LTS – we will keep publishing to this GHCR
- Move the repo, create a fork using the old name, update the README to send the users to the new repo, and continue to publish PyPi and GHCR releases from the fork – which will never be merged.
- No new issues on the fork.
- Documentation – what file should we create? Just put it at the top of the README in screaming letters?
- Document that details the change – published on https://aca-py.org
- Discord
- Aries Mailing List
- Any concerns about the plugins?
- Redirect should take care of a lot of this – we hope.
- Worst case documentation, and people will have to update their deployments.
- Any other concrete things we can do?
- Timing:
- First thing is a README update and announcements.
- Next is a final Hyperledger Aries release.
- PRs to prepare changes
- Move.
- PRs and Issues –
- #3184 (connection protocol – and next version number and how to document?)
- Immediate release of what we have as 1.0.1 – with a deprecation notice.
- Could be last Hyperledger release.
- Merge the connection protocol PR
- Remove Issue Credential / Present Proof v1.0 and put them into a plugin (or not?)
- Indicio to remove and create a plugin
- BC Gov to test the plugin and tweak.
- All three will go into the subsequent release – 1.1.0 either from Hyperledger or OWF as we decide.
- Immediate release of what we have as 1.0.1 – with a deprecation notice.
- #3246 (multikey management)
- Try to finish off, review again and merge today and include in 1.0.1.
- #3181 – creates two routes to add a proof to a JSON document.
- #3243 (in-memory wallet)
- #3184 (connection protocol – and next version number and how to document?)
- Any thoughts on #3240 – extending the
to include what DID method to use with the seed?- Conceptually – a wallet import to create the right private keys in ACA-Py to enable appropriate signing. Know the keypair/DID in advance, but want to use it in ACA-Py.
- Progress on other initiatives:
- OpenID4VCs plugin - Indicio team focus
- Other?
- Open Discussion
- Urgent request to complete did:indy support (e.g., JSON-LD VCs based on did:indy DIDs) – triggering learnings about DID handling. Daniel Bluhm to assemble those learnings and share as work proceeds.
Upcoming Meeting Topics:
Future Topics
Action items
, multiple selections available,
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