2024-05-09 Aries Test Harness Users Group Meeting
2024-05-09 Aries Test Harness Users Group Meeting
Proposed Planned Topics:
- Demo of AATH Dev Containers
Recording: dummyfile.txt
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Welcome and Introductions
For new attendees - Who you are, and what your interest is in AATH and/or AMTH and/or Aries Akirda.
- Sheldon Regular (BC Gov / Shel2C Ventures Inc.) <sheldon.regular@gmail.com>
- Call for extra agenda items/topics
- Outcomes from last AATH Users Group Meeting
- Notable recent enhancements to AATH and AMTH (In Progress/Accomplishments/Recently Closed)
- Ported ACA-Py test agents from universal resolver plugin to universal resolver merged with ACA-Py - https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-agent-test-harness/issues/781
- ACA-Py agents now use the public https://dev.uniresolver.io as its uni-resolver.
- Ported AATH/ACA-Py Agents from old ACA-Py Redis Queue Plugin Repo to Hyperledger ACA-Py Plugin Repo - https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-agent-test-harness/issues/783
- Created VS Code Dev Container for AATH and Backchannels - https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-agent-test-harness/issues/768
- AATH Tests and ACA-py backchannel dev containers are merged.
- AFJ/Credo merged but still being worked on.
- Maybe we can get Patrik Stas to create one for Aries VCX?
- In Progress - AFJ Backchannel Updates - OOB and DID Exchange, Qualified Peer DID Tests. - https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-agent-test-harness/issues/696
- In Progress - Aries-vcx backchannel updates for DID Exchange - https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-agent-test-harness/pull/778
- Ported ACA-Py test agents from universal resolver plugin to universal resolver merged with ACA-Py - https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-agent-test-harness/issues/781
- AMTH moved from Hyperledger to OpenWallet Foundation org. AMTH is now Mobile Wallet Test Harness. MWTH?
- Locked Appium Python to 3.2.1 - https://github.com/openwallet-foundation/mobile-wallet-test-harness/pull/242
- Touch Action support discontinued in 4.0.0 - Must move to W3C actions.
- In Progress - The Move to OpenWallet Foundation seems to have caused a frequent cancellation of certain GHA test runs. (Android tests for BC Wallet)
- Aries Akirda (Kim Ebert) - https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-akrida
- Demos
- AATH Dev Containers
- In-depth Approach review
- Open Discussion / Q&A
- Should we can change the AATH discord channel name to Aries Testing, or something like that?
- AATH/AMTH Kanban Board Walkthrough
- https://app.zenhub.com/workspaces/aries-agent--mobile-test-harnesses-6261474397580b0014247f32/board
- Work Item Review
- Short Term Backlog
- DID Rotate tests coming after the qualified peer did tests.
- New Items
- Product Backlog
- Short Term Backlog
Next Meeting
- June 6th 2024 11AM Eastern
Future Topics
Action items
, multiple selections available,