2023-09-21 Aries-vcx community call
2023-09-21 Aries-vcx community call
- If you are planning on attending aries-vcx call, feel free login to wiki and update the agenda below to include your discussion topic / question
- Alternatively you can simply join the call and we can discuss your questions and concerns
- Start meeting discussion
- Agenda overview and ad-hoc additions ( you can add your discussion your point )
- Community updates
DIF DIDComm Users Group Meets 2,3, and 4th Mondays: https://github.com/decentralized-identity/didcomm-usergroup/blob/main/schedule.md
- Loosening dependency versions in aries components
- did:peer:4 implementation - requested community to wait for our feedback
- V2 issue-credential protocol discussion started
- Mentorship updates
- mediator project project plan aries-vcx based message mediator
- https://github.com/nain-F49FF806/axum-test-server
- deploying mediator on public domain
- uniffi aries-vcx wrapper project Project Plan - Aries VCX Next-gen Mobile Wrapper (UniFFI)
- https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-vcx/tree/main/uniffi_aries_vcx
- deploying simple-message-relay on public domain for simpler mobile wrapper testing
- planning demo for aries-wg call?
- mediator project project plan aries-vcx based message mediator
- Overview of recent work done
- Lint fixes
- Integration test refactoring
- Dependency cleanups
- Lint fixes
- Parked
- Demo aries-vcx https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-vcx/pull/952
- did exchange https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-vcx/pull/928
- AATH PR!! https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-agent-test-harness/pull/723/files
- aath: did-exchange for acapy in progress
- aath: did-exchange for AFJ blocked
- afj: works with qualified identifiers
- aath: works with unqualified identifiers
- aath: moving to qualified identifiers, qualified DIDs
- In progress
- Preparing for vdr-tools anoncreds removal
- V2 for issuance/presentation protocols
- Planned
- End meeting discussion
- George: issuance/presentation v2 protocols messages
- Naian: wallet api
- unpack API return Vector<u8> - hard to understand for a newcomer to find out what the underlying data looks like
- Todos:
- Reject invites with invalid DIDs https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-vcx/issues/963
- Repo org - we have a lot of directories now
Can look a overwhelming for newcomers
Lint fix needed too!
, multiple selections available,