2023-01-03 Aries Bifold Users Group Community Meeting
2023-01-03 Aries Bifold Users Group Community Meeting
Planned Topics:
- Holiday Updates
- Bifold Summit Planning
Community Meeting Policies
Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit the Hyperledger Code of Conduct. |
Welcome and Introductions
Take the opportunity to introduce yourself or organization. Let the community know what interest you have in the Bifold effort.
Record your attendance for posterity, and allow others may contact you if needed.
- Name (Organization) <email>
- James Ebert (Indicio) <james.ebert@indicio.tech>
- Warren Gallagher (AffinitiQuest) <warren@affinitiquest.io>
- Alberto Antonio Leon (Instnt) <alberto@instnt.org>
- Kyle Robinson (Briartech/BC Gov) <kyle.robinson@briartech.ca>
- Sam Curren (Indicio) <sam@indicio.tech>
- Bruno Hivert (IDLab) <bruno.hivert@idlab.org>
- Akiff Manji (Petri Dish Development) <amanji@petridish.dev>
- Aries Framework Javascript 0.3.0 & 0.3.1 released
- Holiday Updates
- Looking to update the Bifold wallet to AFJ 0.3.1
- AFJ Connections Record Changes
- Bifold Summit Planning
- Timing?
- 1-10 10:00 AM MT - 12:00 MT
- Get a list ahead of time - James Ebert
- New Architecture
- 1-11 9:00 AM MT - 11:00 MT
- Bifold Community wants out of the next AIP profile
- NPM → yarn
- Choice of language discussion, wrappers
- 1-10 10:00 AM MT - 12:00 MT
- Topics?
- New Bifold Architecture
- Visual component separation?
- Better app modularity
- Bifold Community wants out of the next AIP profile
- NPM → yarn
- Choice of language discussion, wrappers
- New Bifold Architecture
- Timing?
- Newer Features
- Credential branding might change
- OCA demo next Bifold Call (1-17)?
- Credential branding might change
Next Meeting
Future Topics
- Machine Readable Governance Presentation - Mike
- How should we implement Machine Readable Governance?
- Bifold architecture - what's next?
Action items
- Need to update Sovrin genesis file and check network availability.
Fetch genesis transaction as part of a build step.Understand if the wallet can update the genesis transaction in the field (post build).- Problem with pick-up plugin (pickup v2) with mediators. The first message is dropped.
- Clecio will help update ZMQ in indy and give a new build to James.
- James to present some architecture ideas at the next Bifold meeting.
, multiple selections available,