2022-09-07 Aries Working Group Call
2022-09-07 Aries Working Group Call
- Interop Recap
- PR Review
(7AM Los Angeles, 10AM New York, 3PM London, 4PM CET, 18H Moscow)
Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit the Hyperledger Code of Conduct. |
- Sam Curren(Indicio) <sam@indicio.tech>
- Warren Gallagher (AffinitiQuest) <warren@affinitiquest.io>
- Steve McCown (Anonyome Labs)<smccown@anonyome.com>
- Lance Byrd (RootsID) <lance.byrd@rootsid.com>
- Ed Eykholt (LivelyGig) <ed.eykholt@gmail.com>
- Helen Garneau (Indicio) <helen@indicio.tech>
- Alex Andrei(RootsID) <alexandrei1998@hotmail.it>
- Rodolfo Miranda (RootsID) <rodolfo.miranda@rootsid.com>
- Bhaskar Ram(Micolinks) <bhaskar.ram@owasp.org)
Welcome / Introductions
- Hyperledger Global Forum, Dublin, Sept. 12-14
- Hyperledger Member Summit Sept 11
- ToIP Member Summit, Sept. 14
- Rebooting Web of Trust, Den Haag, September 26-30
Release Status and Work Updates
- Aries Agent Test Harness (https://aries-interop.info)
- Aries Shared Components - Indy SDK replacements
- Shared Rust Library/CredX (AnonCreds) https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-shared-rs
- Indy Verifiable Date Registry - Ledger Interface https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-vdr
- Aries Askar secure storage - https://github.com/bcgov/aries-askar
- 0.2.5 release - performance/load work and testing – specific load errors reduced (down to 0.05% error rate), performance up 11%
- Frameworks:
- Aries-CloudAgent-Python (https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-cloudagent-python, Meetings: ACA-Pug Meetings)
- Aries-Framework-JavaScript (https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-javascript, Meetings: Framework JS Meetings)
- Version 0.2.3 released - bugfixes and pickup improvements
- Working on 0.3.0 release
- Generalization - only need formats required to be supported in an instance
- Documentation site!!!
- Present Proof v2 - merged today - AnonCreds done, W3C JSON-LD VCs still in progress/DIF PE
- Aries-Framework-Go (Troy) #aries-go (https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-go, Meetings: aries-framework-go)
- Aries VCX (https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-vcx)
- Aries-Framework-DotNet (https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-dotnet)
- Mobile:
- Aries Mobile Agent React Native, aka Aries Bifold (https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-mobile-agent-react-native, Meetings: Aries Bifold User Group Meetings)
- Aries Framework JavaScript 0.2.0 now merged into Aries Bifold
- Aries-MobileAgent-Xamarin aka Aries MAX (https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-mobileagent-xamarin)
- Aries Mobile Agent React Native, aka Aries Bifold (https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-mobile-agent-react-native, Meetings: Aries Bifold User Group Meetings)
- aries-mediator-service – a DIDComm Mediator in a Box
- aries-endorser-server – an Indy Endorser in a Box (in development)
- Aries-Toolbox
- Aries-SDK-Java
- Ursa (https://www.hyperledger.org/use/hyperledger-ursa, https://github.com/hyperledger/ursa)
Discussion Topics
- Interopathon Recap
- PRs
- Multiple sigs on a credential - Shivam Sethi
Other Business
Future Topics'
- OIDC Credential Exchange in Aries - Mike Richardson
- Proxy Ledger Access Followup
- decorator for redirection after proofs. - existing?
- Standardized attribute names for AnonCreds - alignment with VC data model. (Paul Bastian)
- terms and conditions (as link)
- machine-readable governance?
Action items
Call Recording
, multiple selections available,