2022-02-01 Aries Bifold Users Group Community Meeting


Planned Topics:

  • Demo
  • Open PRs
  • Development Roadmap Planning
  • Q&A w/Maintainers

Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming

community for all. For more information

please visit the Hyperledger Code of Conduct.

Welcome and Introductions

Who you are, and what your interest is in the Bifold effort.


  • Name (Organization) <email>
  • James Ebert (Indicio) <james.ebert@Inidicio.tech>


Deployments and Work Updates

  • Aries Framework JavaScript
    • Multi-ledger support added
    • Problem report under construction (Amit)
    • Started working on architectural design for issue-credential v2 support (Animo)


  • Demo - Akiff
  • User Group call timing? Conflict with the Indy Contributors call - leaving as-is
  • Open PRs:
  • Open Issues:
  • Development Roadmap Planning
    • Clarify Bifold goals 
      • Make it as easy as possible to incorporate ssi pieces
      • Make a UI framework / toolkit
      • Start Componentization within Bifold
        • Start with exporting Bifold everything
        • Tackle component customizations
      • Move away from "fork and forget"
    • Features:
      • Transition to Out of Band Invitations - https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/tree/main/features/0496-transition-to-oob-and-did-exchange 
      • Componentization (moving components to afj-extensions)
      • Revocation UIs
        • Functionality & notifications
      • Connection-less presentations using Out of Band
      • Update Credential UI/Logical
        • Archiving credentials
      • Messaging
      • ODCA - Credential Overlay Capture
      • Auto Present Feature
        • Machine readable governance - trust issuers, verifiers
      • Contact branding - trusting issuers, verifiers
      • Accessibility standards
      • Handling length credential issuance processes
      • Predicate Proofs
      • QR-Code generation
      • Deep Linking
      • Indy Shared Components - Indy VDR, Indy Credx, Aries Askar
      • Biometrics
  • Questions for maintainers / other discussion?

Next Meeting

  • SVG Credential Package updates?

  • Aries Agent Test Harness Discussion/Demo
  • UI Testing - Saucestack, detox, etc?
  • Requests?

Future Topics

Action items

  File Modified