2021-08-18-B Aries Working Group Call (US afternoon)
2021-08-18-B Aries Working Group Call (US afternoon)
- Multi Party Trust
- Timeslot Review
Date: (12PM Los Angeles, 3PM New York, Tuesday at 7AM Sydney)
Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit the Hyperledger Code of Conduct. |
- Sam Curren(Indicio) <sam@indicio.tech>
- IIW (online) Oct 12-14
- Indicio Public Mediator Upgrade/Deprecation (https://indicio-tech.github.io/mediator/)
- Meeting Time Survey: http://whenisgood.net/ariesb/calltime
Related Meetings Review
- Ursa -
- SSI in IoT WG
- Indy Contributors - Every 2nd Tuesday 8am US/Pacific (next week) - CI/CD of Indy Node and Plenum, Ubuntu 20.04 release. no updates.
- Indy DID Method Tuesdays 7am Pacific - no updates
- 2021-07-29 : Identity Implementers WG Call: The Aug 12th meeting is cancelled. Please join again on Aug 26th.
- DIF DIDComm WG - Monday's at Noon US/Pacific - Sam Curren (Mon) -
- - early community discussions
- TrustoverIP Saturn5 Interop Testing - Friday 9am EST (Keith Smith ) See "Saturn V - Vendor Scrum (TSWG)" at https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/Calendar+of+ToIP+Meetings
- Cardea - Users Group meeting every Thursday 10am MDT - https://cardea.app/ - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3933667495?pwd=ZnlPSDJBcnljL0svS1djVGswcS84QT09
Upcoming Releases and Work Updates
- Aries Agent Test Harness - Test Run Status: https://aries-interop.info
- Connectivity between AF-Go and ACA-Py based on a did:orb DID achieved.
- PR (almost...) ready to merge to demonstrate BBS+/JSON-LD credential exchange between AF-GO and ACA-Py.
- PR (almost...) ready to merge that demonstrates Out-of-Band connection reuse.
- Aries Shared Components
- Support added to ACA-Py main branch, enabled by `--wallet-type askar`. Uses `aries-askar` for wallet storage, `indy-credx` for Indy Anoncreds support, and `indy-vdr` for ledger communication.
- Aries-CloudAgent-Python
- Release 0.7.0 published, official release.
- Next up: Enabling resolving DIDs to multiple Indy ledgers in parallel – e.g. starting up with an array of genesis files and trying all of them when resolving a ledger object (DID, etc.)
- Aries-Framework-Go (Troy) #aries-go
- Working on AIP 2.0, AATH integration, and AcaPy integration.
- AFGO-AcaPy connectivity now passing in AATH.
- Including multiple DID method scenario (AFGO writes DIDs to orb and AcaPy writes DIDs to indy and usage of universal resolver).
- Working on integrating AATH for Issue Credential v2 and Present Proof v2 with JSON-LD.
- AFGO-AFGO now passing; working on AcaPy-AFGO.
- AFGO-AcaPy connectivity now passing in AATH.
- Working on selecting Envelope v1 vs v2.
- Working on WACI-PeX based on AFG (in TrustBloc project).
- Future RFCs:
- Redirect-based OOB.
- Multiple sources for presentations.
- Working on AIP 2.0, AATH integration, and AcaPy integration.
- Aries Mobile Agent React Native - Aries Bifold Meetings
- UI / Code structure update PR pending
- Discussion to utilize Aries Shared Components
- @aries-framework/redux-store documentation/consumption work
- Aries-Framework-JavaScript - Framework JS Meetings
- Meetings will be held at Thursday 7:00 AM MST / 3:00 PM CET
- Split up into multiple packages
- "@aries-framework/core" - https://www.npmjs.com/package/@aries-framework/core
- "@aries-framework/node" - https://www.npmjs.com/package/@aries-framework/node
- "@aries-framework/react-native" - https://www.npmjs.com/package/@aries-framework/react-native
- Indy wallet overhaul:
- Config is less indy specific
- Lot of methods moved to
in preparation for shared libraries and browser wallet
- Update to new
(Hyperleger owned version ofrn-indy-sdk
- Aries-Cloudagent-Pico
- Aries-SDK-Ruby (Jack)
- Aries-Framework-DotNet (Tomislav Markovski )
- Aries-Toolbox
- Aries-SDK-Java
- Rich Schemas and W3C Verifiable Credentials (Brent & Ken)
- Aries-MobileAgent-Xamarin (Aries MAX) - https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-mobileagent-xamarin
- Ursa
- PR Review
- https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/pull/641 binary object links in credentials
- Multi-Party Trust (Sam)
- Timeslot Review (Please fill it out! https://whenisgood.net/ariesb/calltime)
Next Week
Future Topics
Action items
, multiple selections available,