Configure, Deploy and Manage a Besu Private Network
Time: Weds March 26th 8amPT / 11amET / 5pmCET
Workshop Overview:
Besu is an open-source Ethereum client developed under the Apache 2.0 license and written in Java. In this workshop, you will learn the core concepts of Besu’s features and how to operate and manage a private network. Through four hands-on exercises, you will gain practical experience in deploying, updating, using, and monitoring a private Besu network.
The primary goal of this workshop is to provide a comprehensive understanding of both the theoretical and practical aspects of Besu. It is designed for individuals familiar with blockchain technology and the Ethereum protocol who are looking for a solid starting point to become Certified Besu Professionals.
To participate in this workshop, you should have the following:
A Linux operating system to run bash scripts.
Installed software: Metamask, Docker, and Docker Compose.
If you'd like to get involved with the Besu community, you are welcome to do so. Everything the Besu project does is open to anyone who is interested. More details about connecting with community members can be found below: