1st Quarter Progress Report
As the first step of the project, a literature review was conducted to identify the current interoperability solutions and possible improvements that can be done in this area. After careful consideration, we decided to come up with a blockchain interoperability solution that works based on the publish/subscribe architecture. In this solution, a blockchain acts as a messaging broker and keeps track of all the topics in the system. Publisher blockchains can send messages to the topics and all the subscriber blockchains will get notified of the changes in the topic as soon as a publish request is received.
During the first quarter, the working environment for the project as well as a sample broker blockchain was implemented. The broker currently has some basic functionalities and features which we are going to complete during the next quarters. To sum up, the following has been done in the first quarter of the project:
- A literature review on blockchain Interoperability was conducted.
- The required tools and components for the project were investigated.
- A working environment for multiple blockchain networks was implemented.
- The first version of the messaging broker blockchain was implemented.