Now I can reproduce the error using tests in few simple steps. Need to talk with other team members about the solution.
Mikhail updated some Go code in Burrow wrapper, I will review it
Continuing review of documentation for the Burrow.
Will create a dedicated issue to the task in Jira
Eslam Farid
New community member, based in Malaysia.
Interested in the HL projects, including Fabric. But case in Cambodia caught the attention to Iroha.
There is a high demand for the details about the Cambodian project, as many people in Southeast Asia interested in Bakong case.
It will be nice to have more traning and mentoring for the Iroha, as many companies are not ready to invest time in reading documentation, which is continuously changing
There are many embedded systems which can use Iroha, and C++ is a real advantage here
The idea with the documentation improvement is very nice, we can follow the approach with four different types of documents to be created and exposed:
We are also using Confluence for the discussion of Iroha v.2
We are moving to Rust because it is a mature language and have many advantages in comparison with C++:
Convenient compiler
High performance, which can be reached more easily
More error-prone and easier to have proof of being error-free
Iroha 2 will be a complete rewrite of the project. In few weeks we will have a presentation and demo of the new version along with the architectural structure description.
There are many new technologies arise during last few years, hence we want to follow the domain and build new powerful solution
It will be nice to have such meetings each week, so we can involve community members more