Attendance: 15 attendees
- Introductions
- Updates
- Working Group: Identus and DApps
- Architecture Decision Records
- Open Issues
- Q&A
No ADR’s as we are not concerned about that. We are focusing on API’s and background jobs in the next PI which will start in the next coming days
Open Issues:
Cloud Agent:
- The PR was raised and approved. Was just a PI title problem and has been resolved
- DID publishing has been working as expected. Cannot replicate the issue
- We require additional testing with windows WSL. Currently validation runs on start now on the fix
- Stable version will be provided that is production ready
- Issue was resolved. Latest release resolved this issue
Should consider calling the node PRISM node and not Identus Node.
Will it still be PRISM DID method while going into Hyperledger? Yes the DID method will remain the same