I. Welcome
Join Group https://lists.hyperledger.org/g/learning-materials-development-wg
Introduction to Learning Materials Working Group:
Antitrust Policy Antitrust Policy Notice
Introductions from people on the call:
II. EdX and Github Update / Discussion
- EdX Updates:
- GitHub Repository New https://github.com/hyperledger/learning-materials-dev
- Nathalie's / Ravi's Report
- Global Forum
You tube Channel Link MEETUPS
Organizer Meeting: June 2, 2020
Any existing Hyperledger meetup organizer, or anyone interested in becoming a Hyperledger meetup organizer, is welcome to attend these calls.
Meeting Details
- Day: (the first Friday of each month)
- Time: 16:00 UTC / 9 AM pacific (feel free to suggest alternate times)
- Dial-in: https://zoom.us/j/4336690939
- Introductions
- Review of resources available for running virtual meetups
- Discussion of how we want to work together on virtual Hyperledger meetups
Weekly Schedule
- Day: (the first Friday of each month)
Week of May 11, 2020
- Tuesday, May 12, 2020 at 16:30 UTC / 11:30 CDT: Hyperledger Kansas City hosts "Timely & Relevant Blockchain Use Case: COVID-19 Test Results"
- Wednesday, May 13, 2020 at TBD: Hyperledger Toronto hosts "Hyperledger Sawtooth: Introduction and Overview with Duncan Johnson-Watt"
- Thursday, May 14, 2020 at 9:00 UTC / 19:00 AEST: Hyperledger Sydney hosts a talk with PeerSafe about their Hyperledger Fabric use cases
- Saturday, May 16 at 14:00 UTC / 16:00 CEST: Hyperledger Sweden hosts "Online Certification Study Circle"
Week of May 4, 2020
- Tuesday, May 5, 2020 at 16:00 UTC / 18:00 CEST: Hyperledger Sweden hosts "How to Crack Hyperledger Certifications? with Darrell Flewell from Linux Foundation's Training team"
- Saturday, May 9 at 14:00 UTC / 16:00 CEST: Hyperledger Sweden hosts "Online Certification Study Circle"
den Meetup
4. Call for Speaker at consensys :
Consensus speaking (rolling deadline) https://airtable.com/shrgZo95do5Oeo55N
Hyperledger to submit speaking abstract for Marta. Would love to work on co presenter talks with any interested maintainers. Due by March 23.
** Call for speaker ETAL https://callforpapers.sandsmedia.com/?utm_source=Conforga%20-%20CFP&utm_campaign=c2808a0196-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_02_15_10_21_COPY_13&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_2c73fadd83-c2808a0196-41198201
5. *** Call for Code Covid 19 https://developer.ibm.com/callforcode/getstarted/covid-19/ Monday, April 27, 2020
Build COVID-19 solutions by April 27 to urgently address the global pandemic.
6. Community Blog Form
4. Marketing: Marketing collateral & presentations
Marketing Home: We hope that you'll join the next Hyperledger Developer Relations-Marketing Committee Meeting, happening 5/13/2020
9am PT Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/982600073
The purpose of the call is to discuss marketing related initiatives around the Hyperledger projects and community. This is a great opportunity for you to learn how to get involved in many aspects of marketing including overall messaging, events, content, social media, and PR, to further help the public hear about and understand Hyperledger and its community.
Who should join: Maintainers, active contributors to Hyperledger projects
V. Wiki / Pages (Updates and Additions) / Aneena
- Resource Page :
Hyperledger Labs- TSC - Need more organization from lab projects to see if they can fit with or other solutions Need more resources.
- USE Case Still working on online expo, need to collect the global forum presentations
- Video Library- Need volunteers to collect community videos and index on resources page , Still working on online expo, need to collect the global forum presentations
- Newsletter
Key Terms Hyperledger Glossary for marketing
VI Old Business
Develop a Task Force
VII. New Business
Presentation Covid Update
VIII. Close:
Next Meeting May 4, 2020