Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit our Code of Conduct: 29035943 22841683
- Release status:
- Pam/Joe Dashboard: https://jira.hyperledger.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=10104
- BYFN is deprecated in Fabric 2.0
- Anthony: Updates to dev tooling
- Pam/Joe Dashboard: https://jira.hyperledger.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=10104
- Deploy chaincode tutorial was merged. https://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/latest/deploy_chaincode.html
- Fabric CA Maintainers. We can now merge documentation content into Fabric CA repo: https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-ca/pull/107
- LTS comments from EHC
- Ideally in docs
- Table form
- Easily findable from Google search (SEO)
- Discussion on Tokens from EHC
- ERC20
- Simulation in Fabric
- Ethereum interop level 1 and 2
- SDK convergence discussed
- <Minutes>
Adding instructions for modifying Commands Reference: https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric/pull/793
- Chris Gabriel report from Hyperledger Global forum
- Addressing barriers to entry:
- What are Fabric binaries?
- Kubernetes
- Docker
- Release status
- BFT ordering service being worked. RFC available soon
- Deployment guide, include CA material PR in place
- Ledger checkpoint/pruning is being worked. RFC available soon
- Go SDK progressing well
- Deploy a network tutorial being merged now.
- BYFN replacement in progress including PR. Now marked as deprecated for Fabric 2.
- Deploy chaincode tutorial
- Chaincode for operators topic as conceptual base
- Deploy a chaincode tutorial now contains more information about the required tasks and their commands
- BYFN contained commands – commands are moved from this as part of BYFN deprecation
- Discussion on bringing more Hyperledger Fabric processes into Concepts
- Policy and access
- Consensus
- Chaincode Lifecycle
- All of these are examples of governance
- Governance exists as a thing
- Narrow, tailored, limited example of governance
- Domain relevance of security, operations, development -- DevSecOps
- Balance between separation of concerns and integrated system
- Fabric CA doc maintainers
- Chris Gabriel initiated activity
- Now have doc update ability in CA docs for DWG
- Will be merged into Fabric repo over time
- Allows for bring up-to-date, bug fixes and more
- Fabric deployment guide includes unique CA material
- Authority works same was as regular Fabric doc maintainer
- Commands Reference topic
- Documented process for how to make updates to this section
- Outstanding JIRA for some time
- Published in Fabric docs readme. Maybe in Contributing guide is best place
- Chris Gabriel report from Hyperledger Global forum for next week
Video of this week's session at: Recordings
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