Excerpt |
Recording of Call: dummyfile.txt
This specification creating group operates under the Linux Foundation Community Specification License v1.0.
Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit the Hyperledger Code of Conduct. |
Meeting Attendees
Stephen Curran (BC Gov / Cloud Compass Computing Inc.) <>
Lance Byrd (RootsID) <>
Rodolfo Miranda (RootsID)<>
Steve McCown (Anonyome Labs)<>
Related Repositories:
- Issue 102: AnonCreds object signed by the key of the publisher
- Which is related to Issue 74: issuer_did and schema_issuer_did should be IDs?
- Action: Add issuerId and schemaIssuerId to the appropriate objects; add a task to the anoncreds_rs to do the same.
- Latest on the AnonCreds W3C Verifiable Credentials Data Model Standard
- Is it wrong to format an AnonCreds credential in the W3C Format?
- Any update on what "prover_did" is used for during AnonCreds processing. Notably, does the value require any special characteristics when it is used in the AnonCreds code?
- Any insight on why it was added in the first place?
- If we were to deprecate it as an input, would we need to use something else to replace it in the AnonCreds code?
- Help with dependabot pull request: 113
- Checkin: anoncreds-rs implementation progress, requests
- Open Discussion