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Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit the Hyperledger Code of Conduct.

Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit our Code of Conduct: Hyperledger Code of Conduct

Time: Friday, April 22 at 11:00AM Eastern

Dial-in: Zoom meeting:

ChatPlease sign up with Discord. – ... and join # fabric-documentation channel. (I am jhorton99) (RocketChat is deprecated.)


  1. What some of us have been working on in Fabric docs - Quick Review for new joiners
    1. New Fabric Gateway Service - published - (facilitates developing apps by transferring functionality, such as collecting endorsements, from client to the gateway service on peers) (MarkL, AndyC, JoshH, DaveE)
    2. Developing Applications - published - (MarkL) new API for new gateway service. In progress- remove commercial paper example in 2.4 (JoshH)
    3. Managing Certificates - in progress (ChrisE, JoshK, JoshH, DaveE) (needs testing and doc help for expired certs scenarios) soon.
    4. Chaincode as a Service (MattW, JoshH) publishing soon. - Legacy chaincode doc is for advanced users. New doc is for new / test network.
  2. Since last call - Dev Apps removed review, Chaincode as a Service, Discord/RocketChat updates, Image process, Copyright dateManaging Certs cycles.
  3. Other areas of doc to focus on ? - updating graphics images (JoshH). organizing doc samples by language - Go, Node, Java (JoshH), Private Data (JoshH, Review / update structure of docs - Key Concepts, e.g. (Josh H)
  4. Analysis of Key Concepts UX (JoshH)
  5. Volunteers to work on topics? Open issues in GitHub - (note the "Documentation" label is used to filter and identify our issues)
  6. Mailing list indicators of doc issues.
  7. Translation plans and requirements? International groups - https://wikilf-hyperledger.hyperledgeratlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/I18N/International+groups


Minutes: see below:
