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Mortgage Industry Subgroup Slides
Hyperledger Foundation Overview Slides
Vipin - Capital markets
Karen - Hyperledger contact
The 11/18 meeting is the first meeting of the Mortgage Industry Subgroup. It will introduce the Subgroup, organizers, and purpose of the Subgroup.
Tentative Agenda
- Introductions
- How we got here - Karen
Hyperledger/The Linux Foundation overview
Creation of subgroup
Relation to Capital Markets
- State of blockchain in the mortgage industry
- Review goals and objectives
Review charter
Solicit feedback
What are attendees doing around Blockchain
Future plans
Benefits to mortgage participants
Efforts as a private entity
Solicit help from community
Intern presentation
University curriculum
Open source
Championed/led by mortgage community
Meeting cadence
Standing agenda
Define direction
Mortgage Blockchain Lab
Ask for use cases
- Discussion items
- Action items
- Future plans
- Discussion items
Meeting Notes
- Marvin Bantugan Karen Ottoni Vipin Bharathan Andrea Frosinini James Hendrick Alma Valenzuela Maria Munaro, Shawn Jobe, Rao Mylavarapu, Laurie Laury, Guillermo Hernandez, Criss D, Maria Barahona, Luis Avila, Ajibola, Carlos Tabora,
- Welcome and meeting housekeeping
- Hyperledger Foundation Introduction
- State of blockchain in the Global Mortgage Industry
- Mortgage Industry Subgroup Introduction
- Mortgage Blockchain Lab - Internship Pilot Update
- Next Steps
- Q&A
Online Chat
9:28:00 From Karen Ottoni : Wiki page https://lf-hyperledger.atlassian.net/wiki/display/CMSIG/CMSIG+Mortgage+Industry+Subgroup
09:28:41 From Karen Ottoni : You can always view without logging in but to Edit pages (which anyone is welcome to do) you’ll need the LFID to login and edit
09:29:04 From Karen Ottoni : Set up your LFID https://lf-hyperledger.atlassian.net/wiki/display/CA/Setting+up+an+LFID
09:35:27 From Karen Ottoni : I’ve added my slides to today’s meeting notes https://lf-hyperledger.atlassian.net/wiki/display/CMSIG/2021-11-18+Meeting+notes
The primary purpose of the 11/18 introductory meeting was to discuss the goals and objectives of the Mortgage Subgroup. Karen Ottoni asked all attendees to introduce themselves and then provided an overview of the Hyperledger Foundation. The Zventus team then provided a detailed walkthrough of the Subgroup and it's recent accomplishments. This included an explanation of the Blockchain Lab and the University Program. Two undergraduates from the University Program introduced themselves and spoke about their background and experience with the Program. The latter included the Hyperledger test cases the students had used an overview of the technology stack.
Next meeting scheduled for January 13th, 2022