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Zoom meeting: https://
- Fabric LTS v1.4.10 and v2.2.2 release coming this month
- Fabric CA v1.5 planned for dependency updates (Go)
- Channel Participation API - Test Network Sample updates in progress, still need to update test network tutorial and the Create a channel without a system channel tutorial to include test network
- Programming Model updates
- SDK Node 2.2.5 release https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-sdk-node/releases/tag/v2.2.5
- SDK Node 1.4.17 release https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-sdk-node/releases/tag/v1.4.17
- Low-level Java SDK v2.2.4 release: https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-sdk-java/releases/tag/v2.2.4
- New RFC for JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication - An authentication flow based on RFC7523 that can be used to obtain an access token for the channel participation API from an MSP identity.
- Samples status - Chris/Nik
- Commercial Paper Sample
- To update – https://github.com/hyperledger/caliper/tree/gh-pages authored by Nick Lincoln and Dave Kelsey.
- Fabric tutorial: https://hyperledger.github.io/caliper/v0.4.2/fabric-tutorial/tutorials-fabric-existing/
- Prioritize H/M/L 2021 Documentation Goals (Theme: Make Fabric easier to use and update)
- Currency/Tech Debt:
- M Prune Jira Backlog
- M Finish system channel remove/update Test network & tutorial
- M Getting Started
- M Add/Remove Raft ordering node tutorial
- Content Refresh
- M Do we still need 2 Introductions?
- M Arch Reference topic
- M Encourage users to migrate off of older releases/Deprecation banner on earlier release topics
- M Fabric Documentation Translation Campaign
- M New Deprecations Strategy and Page
- M How can we improve Caliper and Explorer Docs
- M Add/Remove Raft ordering node tutorial
- M Assess need for Migration Guide. How to get from 1.x to 3.x - or is this even possible? If not add intervening page telling them this is not possible
- M SDK doc updates for Fabric Gateway
- M Gossip re-architecture could be big.
- M Tokens
- M Doc more usage with channel management config library && Improved tooling for interactie edit and verification of config blocks
- M Node Backup and Restore
- Currency/Tech Debt:
- Kickoff meeting / intros / goals
- Ideas for how to run this meeting? Monthly? Record audio, take minutes
- What some of us have been working on in Fabric docs
- New Fabric Gateway Service - published - https://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/latest/gateway.html (faciltates developing apps by transferring functionality, such as collecting endorsements, from client to the gateway service on peers) (MarkL, AndyC, JoshH, DaveE)
- Developing Applications - published - https://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting_started_run_fabric.html (MarkL) new API for new gateway service. In progress- remove commercial paper example in 2.4 (JoshH)
- Managing Certificates - in progress (ChrisE, JoshK) (needs testing and doc help for expired certs scenarios) https://hyperledger-fabric-ca.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
- Other areas of doc to focus on? - updating graphics (JoshH). organizing doc samples by language - Go, Node, Java (JoshH), Private Data (JoshH)
- Volunteers to work on topics? Open issues - https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-sdk-node/blob/release-2.2/CHANGELOG.md
- Fabric Translation Campaign
- Goals: Highlight work of existing community members.
- video invite new people to come in to contribute
- reached out to members of the translation groups and working with a videographer to create a script and video available in late feb
- RFC for the Fabric gateway component - Andrew Coleman https://hyperledger.github.io/fabric-rfcs/text/0000-fabric-gateway.html
- A new component of the HL Gateways programming model
- Developer had to write a lot of code and understand alot of implementation details to just invoke a transx. So that was the motiviation for the HL programming model.
- Decision has been made that it will be implemented as a standalone gateway component
- Developer can now write small snippets of transactions
- Benefits:
- Maintenance: only have to maintain 1 SDK/ centralized in 1 component
- Single port: Alot of network ports have to be opened to allow connections, but moving all of this complexity into a single gateway you only have to make 1 gRPC connection.
- Implementing new SDKs to work with the new gateway
- we will be able to simplify things that are in the existing SDKs
- Gateway can be more intelligent - keeping track of the peer block height. Can simplify the end user handling so they don't have to manage
- New feature we are considering. offline signing
- Created a new component in Jira family fabgw and repository in git.
- making sure it is thoroughly tested writing scenario based testing with cucumber and test against a three org multi peer/multi-org network.
- Gateway will require its own identity. because it is effectively a client application to the peers and to make discovery requests to another peer you need a signing identity and for registering with the event listeners.
- How does the connection profile work now? - no longer required - just need the url of at least 1 peer. A gateway belongs to an org. The developer of the API just needs a single endpoint to connect to.
- Will their peer a gateway role in the CA. No. not required. Just a client certificate is required.
- If you use the HL programming model, they will need to bring in alternative libs and fix up minor issues - custom commit handlers will be redundant.
- Timing:
- milestone 1: basics - hoping for end of 1Q 21
- MVP - -end of q2.
- old way and new way can coexist as the new process is introduced.
- this will be separate from the SDKs
- Doc impacts - new version of the samples that use this
- Key concept network topic - Joe https://hyperledger-fabric--2283.org.readthedocs.build/en/2283/network/network.html#join-components-to-the-new-channel
- Because you now start a network with a channel config instead of an ordering service, needed to refactor.
- What is the definition of network now?
- Started with a simpler diagram. Start with create 1 channel, a channel config with all 3 orgs.
- Doc is much shorter with the removal of all the system channel content. All diagrams have been updatedlabels/documentation
- Mailing list indicators of doc issues.
- Translation plans and requirements? International groups - https://lf-hyperledger.atlassian.net/wiki/display/I18N/International+groups
Minutes: see below:
Attendees: JoshH, JimM, DaveE, JoshK, ChrisE, DavidB
Topics: Covered all topics in Agenda above.
Additional items: RFCs contain future items. See HL repo.
To Do:
- Reach out to translators directly for status (JoshH)
- Search mail list for docs input/questions (JoshH).
- Get Discord beta for Fabric chats, no longer Rocketchat.