- Set Agenda For Meeting on the https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/TF/Documentation+Task+Force
- Weekly Meeting: Discuss progress and Plans
- Post-TOC presentation: Process feedback from the TOC presentation and adjust the project's direction and objectives as necessary.
- Manage Sub Committees- create tasks for each sub-committee in the task force (timeline)
- Decide on a Management Tool to coordinate Subcommittee work.
- Discuss Mentorshup Mentorship needs
Completed 100% Satisfactory
Week 4: July 24 - July 30
- Finalize documentation guidelines and style guiderecommendations for the sub-committee's deliverables.
- Start creating a list of recommended documentation tools and templates. Create AI Workflows
- Weekly Meeting: Set Agenda, Discuss the finalized guidelines deliverables and style guide, and progress on documentation committees, and suggest tools and templates.
Week 5: August 1 - August 7