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Project TitleApplying fault-tolerant software patterns to Hyperledger Fabric chaincode

titlePending TSC Review




Some of these patterns are straightforward to apply to Fabric chaincode; if an implementation "fails" (e.g., throws an exception), let's try another one (n-version programming). Others will may want to rely on Fabric capabilities: different peers running different chaincode implementations (software diversification) is possible in Fabric, but would not really be possible in other leading distributed ledger technologies. And some patterns will lead rather far; e.g., equitable resource allocation is a pattern to share resources among clients equitably - which, in Fabric, translates to giving equitable access to the constrained resource of block capacity to clients (an important and as-yet unsolved problem for all IoT/cyber-physical applications where Age of Information concerns about ledger data arise).


The project is expected to primarily focus on the patterns collected in the reference book Hanmer, Robert S.Patterns for fault tolerant software. John Wiley & Sons, 2013. It also serves as a good general introduction to fault-tolerant computing. The scope will be extended towards other academic papers (and existing fault-tolerant computing APIs, as, e.g., SA Forum) as and if justified by the progress.

Learning Objectives

  • Introduction to open source culture and collaboration tools
  • Deep knowledge of the operational principles of Hyperledger Fabric
  • Software engineering techniques of fault tolerant computing
