Table of Contents |
- Criteria for project families discussion:
- Reviewed the criteria in Hyperledger Project Families
- A diverse set of contributors and maintainers, ideally codified in some formula, but also up to the discretion of the governing board (or maybe TSC, but please don’t make us decide this). → For this item, we had the following discussion: diversity can be increased by decreasing contributions from a single organization or by people leaving an organization and going to work for another. Active maintainers (considered someone who has reviewed or contributed code or answered PRs or issued releases consistently for 6 months) must exist from a minimum of 3 organizations consistent with the default maintainer policy. Does a single organization have control over a project that would stop things from happening (e.g., adding a feature that is desired by the community or doing a release). Magic number of organizations is 3, as it still allows for changes to be put in.
- Sufficient and sufficiently stable releases, and long-term support.
- Documentation and learning materials that meet some minimum standard.
- Participation in Hyperledger events and marketing campaigns. A lack of participation or an inability of the LF staff to get enough contributions to marketing campaigns could be cause for loss of project families status.
- Reviewed the criteria in Hyperledger Project Families
- Agree on tasks to be completed
- Agree on deliverables list
- Begin reviewing proposed mockups