Total Labs: 24 (20 active, 4 archived)
Lab Name | Description | Created | PRs merged | Last Commit |
Blockchain Automation Framework | An automation framework for rapidly and consistently deploying production-ready DLT platforms | 16-OCT-2019 | 44 | 21-NOV-2019 |
Blockchain Integration Framework | A new approach to the blockchain interoperability problem | 21-OCT-2019 | 11 | 19-NOV-2019 |
Patient Consent | Use Case Patient Data in Clinical Trials Automation with focus of Patient Consent | 07-OCT-2019 | 2 | 07-NOV-2019 |
Hyperledger Fabric Block Archiving | Reduce the total amount of storage space required for an organisation to operate a Hyperledger Fabric network by archiving block data into repository. | 09-OCT-2019 | 5 | 12-NOV-2019 |
Gardener | An open source Blockchain Oracle implementation. | 07-OCT-2019 | ||
Byzantine Config | Hyperledger Fabric Network Configuration Manager allowing configuration blocks to be created to add Organizations, and update network configuration properties. | 01-MAY-2019 | 5 | 21-OCT-2019 |
Hyperledger Fabric Consortium Management | Chaincode based application to manage Fabric Consortium memberships | 30-JUL-2019 | 1 | 08-AUG-2019 |
Hyperledger Fabric Based Access Control | A Hyperledger Fabric Based Access Control system to mediate access control flow from centralized applications. | 12-JUN-2019 | 5 | 21-NOV-2019 |
Inter Carrier Settlements | Telecom network operators worldwide open their networks to each other to enable their mutual customers to communicate across network boundaries. | 15-AUG-2019 | 1 | 14-NOV-2019 |
Hyperledger Fabric WebAssembly chaincode | Integrate WebAssembly in Hyperledger Fabric | 18-SEP-2019 | 12 | 14-NOV-2019 |
Blockchain Analyzer | Create a tool for visualizing and analyzing Hyperledger Fabric ledgers | 06-SEP-2019 | 20 | 10-NOV-2019 |
Lab Name | Description | Archived Date |
Proof of Elapsed Time 2 | Proof of Elapsed Time 2 (PoET2) is an experimental new protocol for Consensus based on PoET | 22-NOV-2019 |
Hyperledger Fabric Lightweight Client | Enable lightweight (IoT) devices to act as a Lightweight (Hyperledger Fabric) clients | 22-NOV-2019 |
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