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- Tuesday, March 22th, 2022, at 8 AM Pacific
- Add Climate Action and Accounting SIG calls to your calendar
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- Meeting ID: 403 498 3298
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Presentation: "Regenerative by design – weaving climate action into the fabric of web3" by John Hoopes IV, Strategy + Ecosystem at Toucan
Toucan Protocol is a blockchain project that aims to bring the carbon market into everyone’s reach. With Toucan, individuals and businesses that are recognizing the importance of reducing their GHG emissions can buy tokenized carbon credits on the blockchain. The goal is to make these carbon credits more liquid and easily interchangeable between companies that create them and companies that want to buy them for offsetting.This talk will lay out the key concepts behind the Toucan Protocol and tokenized carbon credits and Toucan architecture and lay out the importance of building climate action into the infrastructure of our financial system.
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Meeting Notes
Attendees: 25