Business Plan
Created by bobbi muscara
Last updated: Sep 28, 2021
Hyperledger Members - As part of the membership fee, The BCEmploy resources, job fair, and training would be a service offered to all members. Full access to all events, training, and the BCEmploy talent pool.Hyperledger Members - Level of participation fees.
Subscription level: determines the level of participation in the job fair. Sponsorship rotates every quarter
Gold 25: Has 2 panelists per session and two breakout rooms at the job fair. Main spot advertising
Silver 15: Has 1 panelist per session and one table in the breakout rooms. Second spot for advertising
Bronze 5: Has 1 panelist per session and one table in the breakout rooms. Third-level advertising.
Hyperledger: (4) quarterly sessions (12 meetups) % of membership level? or $XX,XXX.00per year ( XXX,XXX.00 for exclusive rights to BCEMPLOY). Sponsorship levels Gold $ 2,500 per session (4 part series)
Revenue Model - data! how many members and what do they pay, How many hyperledger employees does this cover? How can we fit in the budget w/o breaking the bank?
How do we get that #, WHAT hyperledger membership level, what do they perceive the value?
Spot in 4 part series
Job Matched candidate
Jobs Advertised and promoted.
Advertisement Levels match sponsorship levels.
Customized training programs targeting opportunity seekers
Establish the value of freebies education opportunities. Invest in a series (4 a year) level of sponsorship Price for the JOB FAIR table.
Track assessment and better way to trace who got hired, did BCEMPLOY give value to all player Ex. high hit ratio. Data will improve the value proposition.
Tokenize session for ed discounts or teeshirts
Opportunity Seekers (Data Collection)
Free 4 part webinar series
Resume and Linkedin review
Free blockchain education
Job Fair
Educators sponsor a session
BCEmploy team
Opportunity Seekers : Feedback
Employers: Feed back