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Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit our Code of Conduct: Hyperledger Code of Conduct
- Main Identity WG
- Hyperledger Indy
- Contributors Meeting - lighter meeting due to regular attendees being at a training; PBFT View change is a bit delayed;
- Indy Node
- October release: should contain PBFT View Change, but we need to diagnose a performance concern. Ubuntu 18.04 release is delayed.
- Evernym's two week update video will be posted today with more details.
- Indy SDK
- Indy wallet is its own crate, so it is easier to migrate to Aries Agent Managed Storage - SQLite.
- October release: was going to have an October bug fix release, but there are few fixes so we might skip it.
- Evernym is experimenting with LibVCX support for Aries protocols.
- Indy Catalyst
- Migrating into Hyperledger GitHub org
- Indy Semantics WG
- Hyperledger Aries
- Aries Working Group meetings: discussions about naming, plans for core repositories
- Aries Agents (Cloud Agent Python, Static Agent)
- Cloud Agent Python - Release 0.3.4 released last night with several fixes and minor updates. Release Notes
- Static Agent Python - Working on release with return routing, other improvements
- Aries Core Libraries (agent storage, resolvers, comms)
- Repositories created. Naming has changed a bit around wallets, resolvers, etc.
- Aries Language Frameworks and SDKs (Go, Java, JavaScript, .NET, Ruby, Python)
- Hyperledger Ursa
- Release of 0.2.0 in September:
- Annoncreds 2.0,
- ZKP / ZKLang improvements
- Debian packages
- Refactor multi-signature BLS in addition to aggregated signature
- Release of 0.2.0 in September:
- Sovrin
- Network updates and extensions
- Builder Net upgrade to Indy Node 1.10.0
- Staging Net upgrade next Monday
- Sovrin Governance Frameworks and Trust Architecture
- New
- Sovrin Governance Framework v2 is approved, entering final two week comment period
- Includes a new version of the Transaction Author Agreement / Data Processor Addendum
- Sovrin Governance Framework v2 is approved, entering final two week comment period
- Network updates and extensions
- W3C Standards
- Drummond's slides:
- Verifiable Credentials Working Group
- DID Working Group
- Interop and External updates (Dmitri Zagidulin)
- Helen's excellent DIDs 101 Non-Technical discussion slides from the CCG call, as mentioned earlier
- Introduction to Self Sovereign Identity IIW slides by Heather Vescent, Karyl Fowler and Lucas Tétrault
- Rebooting Web of Trust (Daniel Hardman)
- Lack of gender diversity in RWOT leadership.
- Other?
- Diversity, Civility, and Inclusion working group preparing for Hyperledger Global Forum
- Connect.Me and OIDC SIOP demo from IIW (Tyler Ruff)
- has an open source OIDC verifiable credentials implementation that is complimentary.
- Based on DIF work:
- Review of IIWReview of Hyperledger Maintainers Summit
- Lots of interest in standardizing DIDComm across various communities (IETF-level, not just Aries)
- Some discussion of the role of the Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF) in DIDComm standards.
- Concerns about providing sufficient legal protection for users of the standards.
- Some concern with us moving slower than competitive standards (YZ group).
Kiva demo (Cam?)We will demo in 2 weeks,. My finger scanner is now in Sierra Leone
Next Meeting Topics
- Kiva demo (Cam?)
- OIDC demo
- Review of Hyperledger Maintainers Summit
Future Topics
- Picolabs Agent Demo (Bruce expressed interest in sharing recent work)
- Roadmap coordination between Indy, Aries and Ursa