Session leaders

NameCompanyTopicsContacted by?LFIDConfirmed to attend?Visas?Notes
Richard EsplinEvernymAries, Indy, UrsaSilonaesplinryesAlready haveI expect to have travel approval in early September.
Nemanja PatrnogicEvernymAries, IndySilonadonquiyes-
Alexander ShcherbakovEvernymIdentity Solutions: Aries, Indy, Ursa:
Understanding the Hyperledger Indy Distributed Ledger


Sergey KhoroshavinEvernymIdentity Solutions: Aries, Indy, Ursa:
Testing distributed systems


Nikita KhateevEvernymIdentity Solutions: Aries, Indy, Ursa:
Indy and IoT


Artem IvanovEvernymIdentity Solutions: Aries, Indy, Ursa:


Sergey MinaevDSR CorporationIntroduction to Rust

Sergey Kozhevnikov

Session “Contributions to HLF

  • Endorser selection randomizer with peer confirmation – report by Sergey Nikulin and Artem Barger
  • Transaction size reduction – report by Ilya Petrusenko and Artem Barger
  • Approach to solve the conflict of transactions in a single block – report by Sergey Kozhevnikov
  • Public blockchain based on HLF – report by Alex Belenov

Сессия "Вклад в развитие HLF"

  • Раздомизация выбора эндорсеров с обязательной проверкой в пирах (Никулин, Баргер)
  • Уменьшение веса транзакций за счет выноса сертификатов (Петрусенко, Баргер)
  • Один из вариантов решения проблемы конфликта транзакций в одном блоке (Кожевников)
  • Публичный блокчейн на основе HLF (докладчик - Беленов)
Alex Belenov

Session «Problems discussion»

  • State synchronization in endorsers – led by Alex Belenov
  • Storing state in blocks – led by Alex Belenov
  • Lack of randomization in chaincode – led by Sergey Kozhevnikov
  • Inter-channel block data reading – led by Sergey Kozhevnikov

Сессия «Обсуждаемые проблемы»

  • Синхронизация стейта в Ендорсерах (озвучивание сути проблемы – Беленов)
  • Сохранение стейта в блоках (озвучивание сути проблемы – Беленов)
  • Отсутствие функции рандомизации в чейнкоде (озвучивание сути проблемы – Кожевников)
  • Межканальное чтение данных из блоков (озвучивание сути проблемы – Кожевников)
Artem Barger

Session "Devtools for Hyperledger Fabric and programming model" 

  • Fabric VSCode development plugin (Artem Barger, IBM Haifa Research Lab)
  • Fabric chaincode and SDK new programming model (Artem Barger, IBM Haifa Research Lab)
  • Fabric Service discovery - discover endorsement (Artem Barger, IBM Haifa Research Lab) policy for your chaincode or channel configuration.

Session "Privacy in Hyperledger Fabric" 

  • Fabric privacy aspects (Artem Barger, IBM Haifa Research Lab)
Dmitri PlakhovRussian Railways, Head of Blockchain LabDistributed Ledger implementation in transport and logisticsAnna Kirillova
Waiting for approval
Dmitry ZhvakinS7, Lead Blockchain DeveloperHyperledger Fabric: From Proof Of Concept to Production

Denis KirillovSaint Petersburg State University, Lead Blockchain DeveloperHLF Identity Mixer in secret e-voting

Konstantin BorodavkinGazPromNeftFabricDmitri Plakhov

Yulya PromokhovaIPChainSergey Kuzin, IPChain Association Head of Technology and Development
Andrey Margelov, IPChain Association Chief Technology Officer
Yulya Promokhova

30 min
Julia PalamarchukEasyChainVisual Constructor for buiseness procecces executed on Hyperledger FabricJuliaPalamarchukyesyes

Hey ioshpa - can you move some of your agenda stuff here?  Esp since I have some Session leaders already lined up for you on these topics!