XX SIG Proposal Template
Note: This template is a guideline for SIG Proposals in Hyperledger communities and seen as a best practice, however communities may collectively decide to add to the template according to what makes sense for their community proposal, but must include at minimum the following sections. Once completed, please send a link with a request to review to membershhip@hyperledger.org |
Why should this group be launched?
Goals of the XYZ Special Interest Group are to:
In summary, this group is required because:
The community will take initiative to specifically address:
Scope not within Charter:
Potential Work Products
The initial work products may include
This SIG will collaborate with other......
Interested Parties
[please add your name below]
The following person(s) is the initial proposer of this SIG:
The following individuals have already expressed an interest in joining this group, and we hope will become contributors over the first year:
Proposed Chair
The following individual has volunteered to serve as the initial interim Chair for the group: