HC-SIG General Meetings serve as an entrée for prospective members in the global healthcare community interested in understanding how best to educate themselves and participate in the implementation of blockchain technologies–ostensibly using the Hyperledger Project umbrella of frameworks, tools, and extensive community–in order to create secure and healthcare-compliant enterprise solutions. For more established members, these meetings serve as a resource for the notification and publication of relevant community healthcare activities (e.g., healthcare conferences and related events), as well as a means for promoting and encouraging the project engagement and accomplishments of each of its HC-SIG subgroups and ad hoc teams.
As a regular agenda item, HC-SIG Subgroup leads and Ad Hoc Team leads (or their proxies) “roll up” their team activities so as to educate prospective new members on active project opportunities.
Periodically, HC-SIG General Meetings are host to guest speakers from around the healthcare industry. These event agendas are focused around our guest presentation, and limit the regular roll up of HC-SIG team activities.
Meetings are held on a bi-weekly basis on Friday mornings at 0700 (Pacific Time).
All HC-SIG meetings and related events are open source/open community, and attendance is free to all.
Videoconferencing/Teleconferencing Connect Information
Our Hyperledger Events Calendar provides you with a list of all Hyperledger meetings and events, including our bi-weekly HC-SIG General Meetings and related HC-SIG Subgroup meetings.
Past HC-SIG General Meetings
Meeting agendas and video recordings of HC-SIG General Meetings are made available to the public.