2023-06-13 Aries Cloud Agent - Python Users Group Community Meeting
2023-06-13 Aries Cloud Agent - Python Users Group Community Meeting
- Update and Demo of BC Gov CWU – anoncreds-rs library in ACA-Py - Indicio
- Content for 0.8.2 final (or perhaps 0.9.0 final)
- ACA-Py PRs – let's play "Can We Merge This?"!
- ACA-Py Plugins – Update on progress/plans
- Adding a new Maintainer – Jason Sherman
- Discussion Topics
Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/99220079317?pwd=OHk0U05ITnBkSmZ0aXlIQzFDYWg3UT09
Call Time: 8:00 Pacific / 17:00 Central Europe
Recordings From the Call:
- Full Recording: https://youtu.be/fzlQTBK9WPQ
- 2023 06 13 Indy Aries Combined Call Chat.txt
- 2023 06 13 Indy Aries Combined Call Transcript.txt
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Welcome, Introductions and Announcements
- Stephen Curran (BC Gov/Cloud Compass Computing Inc.) <swcurran@cloudcompass.ca>
- Daniel Bluhm (Indicio PBC) <daniel@indicio.tech>
- Emiliano Suñé (BC Gov/Quartech) <emiliano.sune@quartech.com>
- Alexandra Walker (Indicio PBC) <alex.walker@indicio.tech>
- Frostyfrog (Indicio PBC) <colton@indicio.tech>
- ACA-Py documentation: https://aca-py.org
- 2023.05.15 (this Thursday): Presentation: ZKPs – the High School Math Edition - Stephen Curran at the Identity SIG Meeting
- Update on BC Gov CWU – anoncreds-rs library in ACA-Py - Indicio
- https://hackmd.io/@dbluhm/anoncreds-project-update
- MVP Revocation completed
- Significant refactors
- Feedback to anoncreds-rs
- What's next?
- Automated registry setup
- Genericize revocation registry recovery?
- Adapt original Indy anoncreds interface?
- Test updates
- Cleaning up
- Finalizing the 0.8.2 Release contents (or will it be 0.9.0?)
- The "Can We Merge This?" Game
- ACA-Py PRs – let's take a look!
- ACA-Py Plugins – Update on progress/plans
- HackMD on Plugins:
- Add a plugins folder in ACA-Py or a separate repo for all of the ones shared by the community
- Standardize the structure and conventions in using Plugins - aries-acapy-plugins
- Current plugins:
- Traction
- Redis/Caching
- Kafka
- Admin Protocol plugins
- Moving things out of ACA-Py into plugins
- Clean up the core of ACA-Py in the process
- E.g., Mediator capabilities
- Concern – a balance, not just everything is a plugin – important things need to be 'always there'
- Example: Universal resolver plugin – not used until it moved from being a plugin to the core
- Adding a Maintainer - Jason Sherman
- Adding a Dev Container to ACA-Py to help developers get started
- Creating a scalable mediator – a community effort
- Start a session next week at the Aries WG Meeting – Wednesday at 7:00 Pacific / 16:00 Central Europe – Aries Working Group
- Other Topics/Open Discussion
Upcoming Meeting Topics:
- Discussion Topics:
- Update on ACA-Py Container Scanning
- Multi-architecture containers
- Issue with BBS+ package – doesn't support ARM containers – need an update to their CI
- Solution: A third container published that includes BBS+ package, but is single architecture
- Others are Askar
- Does anyone use/see a use case for Web Sockets and Return Route beyond ACA-Py as a mobile agent mediator?