Burrow Contributor or Volunteer Welcome

Burrow Contributor or Volunteer Welcome

Burrow is a small, mighty group and welcomes contributors and volunteers. Hyperledger chat channels are #burrow and #burrow-contributors

To participate, you'll need a Linux Foundation ID (quick work). That ID also allows you to log in here, in the Hyperledger wiki.

To access the two burrow channels, first note, if you go into a specific chat channel directly, without logging in, you will get a spinner that will not resolve.

  1. Go to https://chat.hyperledger.org 
  2. It will show you the general channel, click on general
  3. Go to the bottom of the general channel and it will show a link (sign in to start talking)
  4. Click on that link you will be prompted for your LFID and password (you can also setup your LFID from here)
  5. Navigate (the globe at the top helps) to #burrow and #burrow-contributors
  6. Select join the channel
  7. Browse additional channels of interest