JOB FAIR August 24th

JOB FAIR August 24th


Post LINKEDIN and Others: Job Fair Tuesday with these tables  BE PREPARED>>>>IBI training starts tomorrow

Tricia with Accenture. 

2 – We would like 2 breakout rooms and if possible Cynthia & I would like to be able to float between them (or if not possible, assign each of us to 1 of the rooms). We divided our breakout rooms into shifts as follows:

 Breakout room

Breakout room

7 - 8:30 PM EDT

7:00 - 8:30 PM EDT

Room 1

Room 1

Melanie Cutlan

Tom Fahey

Jessica Townsend

Cody Burns

Kathryn White

Josh Cartellone

Khadija Siddiqi

Tracey Kuhrt



DTCC Breakout

Ali Khan who will do a quick 5 minute intro for DTCC.  Here is his quick bio:


Ali Khan, Executive Director of Technology Research and Innovation group. Ali's team leads the technology aspects of DLT-related research and innovation work at DTCC, responsible for research, architecture, design, development, delivery and client engagement for various POCs, Prototypes and other projects in the DLT space.



Additionally, here are the names of the people who will be in the 2 booths from DTCC:


    • Booth #1 = Jyotirmayee (Jyoti) Ponnapalli and Navinkumar (Navin) Yerram
    • Booth # 2 = Nithya Nareshkumar and Hitesh Goradia


I have also attached the list of roles that DTCC would like to advertise at the Job Fair.

Breakout 1Breakout 2
2 people2 people

I heard back from Bill Izzo that DTCC will likely be joining us for the event.  He will be sending me a follow-up email about this.  Also, Jim, was SIMBA interested in joining us as well?

Also, they are referencing a resume book.   Will you be collecting a resume book that we would have access to?


Daniella sent notice to all Hyperledger Partners who have job interviews 

Meetup https://www.meetup.com/Blockchain-Princeton/events/280190788/

8/17 https://www.meetup.com/Blockchain-Princeton/events/280190788/


Few days left to enroll in Blockchain courses directed by an HYPERLEDGER CERTIFIED TRAINING PARTNER IBI (Indian Blockchain Institute).  Training opportunities start on August 21st...Just in time to be enrolled in courses for our Job Fair. 

Hyperledger Training Partner.  Training opportunity Start 21ST be first to sign up, get 10% off
Action Items - Sign up before Job Fair!!! become a part of the new frontier, get your credential from a BC based program certificate on SNAPCERT

Schedule Event - Get Companies to commit to the table at Job Fair
Send out invites for Wednesday.

Topic: BCEMPLOY Job Fair Meeting
Time: Aug 18, 2021 09:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 890 1617 0842
Passcode: 233448

Set up a meeting with John C Jim M Shihas K. and David Boswell to finalize Job Fair details 

Presentation Outline

Introduction to BCEMPLOY

Recap first three and Website for future

Education Opportunities 5 Minute Introduction to companies job outlook

5 minutes for each company to explain job outlook  / Breakout tables topics

30 Minutes

Hyperledger - Daniella

ConsenSys - Grace

Accenture - Melanie Cutlan - Lead Blockchain 

DTCC - Bill Izzo

Simba Chain


HOST pulls people back for re-cap  
*** Matching opportunities with educational avenues.


TO Do reach out to Jim about Simba Chain

Software ZOOM? The host can create breakout rooms ( John will host breakout rooms).


Send David an email (1) post network event (2) create breakout rooms Zoom 

Intro to Series: What we covered

Informational:  Sponsoring booth - Overview of Company  Ever table sponsor get 5-minute pitch 

Breakout tables

Topics: What jobs are available today, What is coming down the road



E-COMMERCE for future


Pinnacle Cart - Ecommerce.

Hi Anjon

I don't know if you're aware of the BCEmploy program Hyperledger is running.
I'd like to invite you to participate in the virtual job fair on August 26 ( Thursday ) at 6:30 pm EDT.

We are offering those interested in blockchain careers the opportunity to talk to companies that employ or recruit people in the blockchain space to provide ideas and feedback on questions on how to prepare yourself. 

We are telling everyone the purpose of the job fair is to answer your questions from those working in the space on jobs, hiring etc, not to offer positions ( unless the company chooses to ).

Let me know if we can count on you to participate.

Thanks very much




Hey Bobbi,

Thanks for thinking of me! What time is the session on Thursday? I'll definitely try to attend if it works with my calendar. Also, send the invite my way on the 24th. I should be able to make that work too.
