TF-SIG Meeting - 2019.03.19

TF-SIG Meeting - 2019.03.19


  1. Welcome  and opening remarks.
    1. Reminder that the meeting is being recorded
    2. Reading of the Linux Foundation anti-trust policy

  2. Introductions
    1. New members who have not been on the call, raise your hand
    2. Your name & company
    3. Your geographical location
    4. One thing you hope to gain from the group
  3. Action follow up
    1. Standard Chartered and DLT Ledger RE: Switch to R3 from Hyperledger
    2. WeTrade RE: possible future presentation
    3. MonetaGo RE: Move from Hyperledger to R3
    4. Hyperledger RE: speaker on product roadmap
    5. Clearmatics RE: interoperability and the ion interoperability framework

  4. Survey
    1. The Health Care SIG have conducted a survey.  Should we conduct one for Trade Finance
    2. Review of Health Care SIG Survey; results of which are located here
    3. Ideas for a Trade Finance Survey?  Volunteers to build questions

  5. Next Meeting
    1. 2 April 2019 at 14:00 UTC


  1. Will opened the meeting and reminded everyone that is being recorded, and then read the Linux anti-trust statement.
  2. No new members on the call for this meeting
  3. Walkthrough of actions (5' 30")
    1. Standard Chartered and DLT Ledger.  Will has spoken with Standard Chartered in London who are finding a contact in their Singapore office to present on this at a future meeting.
    2. Presentation from WeTrade.  Daniela Barbossa offered to follow up from HyperLedger. Andy from IBM has opened the channel Mark Cutton, so we will follow up.
    3. Monetago.  Marta offered to the find a contact
    4. Hyperledger Product Roadmap.  Marta suggested reaching out to the maintainers on the hyperledger wiki and chat channel
    5. Clearmatics.  They volunteered to present at the 2nd April 2019 [after the meeting that presentation has shifted to 16th April 2019]
  4. Healthcare SIG Survey and possible Trade Finance SIG Survey (14' 15")
    1. There is a link to a video of the screen share here;   Presentation video clip
    2. The survey shows
      1. Member demographics
      2. Different areas of the industry where members roles come from
      3. Ranking of reasons for joining the SIG
      4. Amount of time members have been involved in blockchain technologies
      5. Ranking of their understanding of blockchain technologies
      6. The types of technology that members are using/interested in
      7. Specific levels of interest in HyperLedger, the tools and frameworks used
      8. How their members find the communication from the SIG
      9. Areas that their SIG should look at
    3. Thoughts from the call (19' 00")
      1. There was general support for conducting a similar survey for the SIG
      2. Bobbi noted that the Google Drive survey works much better than the wiki
      3. Vik suggested using the items of interest from the first meeting notes
      4. Bobbi & Andrew volunteered to help
      5. Andy asked if the survey would not be anonymous, and whether people would reply on their own behalf or behalf of their customers
  5. AOB
    1. Vik is working getting the ERP specialist to speak with the group
    2. Bobbi volunteered to build on a presentation that she gave to the Learning and Documentation for the TF SIG
