Contributors Summits

Work in Progress - feedback welcome 


Contributors Summits are being designed to replace the current Hackfest concept. Contributors Summits are intended for an advanced technical contributor audience, including core contributors, TSC members, and working group chairs. Contributors Summits will be limited to ensure that progress can be made on shared Hyperledger technical goals. These goals will be pre-defined prior to the start of the summit to ensure that the right people are present.

While anyone is welcome to join the Contributors Summits, they are not be suitable for people with no knowledge of Hyperledger and its projects. Also, the expectation for Contributors Summits should be that the conversation will be deep technical conversations. If you are looking for events that are designed for new contributors, please check out the Bootcamps section of the Wiki. 


The goal for a Contributors Summit is to encourage cross collaboration amongst the different projects that are part of Hyperledger. This cross collaboration can come in the form of deep technical dives about each of the projects, specific work surrounding an architectural component of the frameworks (e.g., common consensus mechanisms), contribution or review of cross-project whitepapers developed by the different working groups, or other items that the contributors feel is important to ensuring that we are one community.


Contributors Summits will last for three (3) days and be held twice a year or more frequently if the technical community finds a need.

Who Should Attend

It is highly recommended that people with a deep understanding of the technical aspects of the Hyperledger projects should attend the Contributors Summits. This would include

  • TSC members
  • Working group chairs and vice chairs
  • Active Core Contributors - defined as the most prolific contributors who have between them contributed 80% of the code and have made a contribution in the last 6 months
  • Those with specific deep technical knowledge to contribute towards the development of the Hyperledger projects

As noted in the overview, anyone is welcome to join the Contributors Summits with the understanding that the focus will be advanced technical topics.

Agenda Creation

It is extremely important that the Agenda be created prior to the summit. This will ensure that the correct people attend. The goal of the Contributors Summit should be top of mind when deciding what topics are added to the agenda. The topics should focus on:

  • items that enhance cross collaboration amongst projects
  • items that are easier to resolve in person than over email
  • "information sharing" topics if they are clearly of interest to the wider development community (i.e., advanced training in topics that would be useful to all projects)

Topics will be suggested by the technical community. The TSC mailing list will be used for topic suggestions. The email should be prefixed with [summit-topic]. The email should contain the following information:

  • Topic Title
  • Topic Description
  • Why This Topic is Important
  • Projects Impacted
  • Suggested Time Required to Cover and Discuss

The first two days of the agenda will be from the proposed [summit-topic] emails. The last day will be reserved for an unconference style agenda to handle topics that come up during the actual summit.