This weekly news digest is created by community members in the Hyperledger Supply Chain and Trade Finance Special Interest Group as a way to keep people up to date on the latest developments in this space. If you have news to share that you would like to let the group know about, please feel free to edit this wiki page or join one of the upcoming group meetings and share your news with other group members
- "A new, global tool: bonds to finance the blue economy - A blog by Suzanne Johnson, senior ocean adviser, UN Global Compact and speaker at the 2023 World Ocean Summit, and Dennis Fritsch, associate nature lead at United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI)
- "Towards a flourishing #blueeconomy : Identifying obstacles and pathways for its #sustainabledevelopment ":
- "Why #gender -responsive #standards are better for everyone":
- "Bonds to finance the #sustainable #blueeconomy "
- "The state of #foodsecurity and nutritionini the world"
- "IFC - International Finance Corporation and Citi to boost #supplychainfinance in #emergingmarkets ":
- "#climatechange and #climatefinance current experience and futurev directions "
- "Northern Trust Corporation unveils #dlt platform to access tokenized #carboncredits directly":
- "The state of #foodsecurity and nutritionini the world":
- "The UK #ElectronicTradeDocumentsAct 2023 - A milestone in embracing #digitaltrade and #sustainability " (ICC United Kingdom)
- The Electronic Trade Document Act (ETDA): A Revolution in Trade Documentation
- "White Paper Transfer of Model Law on #ElectronicTransferableRecords - Compliant Titles":
- 'ABN AMRO Bank N.V. AMRO facilitates a digital green bond issuance on public blockchain":
- Real-world use cases for #zeroemissions trucks":